Have you ever dated a woman-child?

I used to work with this really cute girl. Her husband worked there too and one time he was complaining about her and He said she wouldn't brush her teeth at night unless he pestered her to do it, just like a 7 year old.

She didn't look that hot to me after hearing that.
This is like a fetish or something right?

Like those dudes who shit in diapers and get women to change them and feed them bottles and shit?
At the beginning of mine and my wife's relationship she was a bit of a woman child.

After about 6 months of living together she began to follow my lead. Bottom line most women (and men) behave that way because they had shitty parents that didnt teach them structure or discipline.

Being a pillar of structure and discipline will snap her into shape. Adults can lead by example and learn from example so chances are you wont have to rub her nose in it, just do your thing.
In general, women ARE like little kids. For some it's just way more obvious.

Btw you thought about some step-daddy roleplay thingy yet?
I’m dating one now and I’m starting to have doubts. At first it didn’t bother me so much but as time goes on I’m beginning to realize it’s a waste of time. A woman-child is the female equivalent of a man-child. Basically she acts like a child that’s stuck inside an adult woman.

I can’t stand the way she talks and her mannerisms mimic that of a schoolgirl. What bugs the shit out of me is what she eats. We’ll go out to a nice restaurant and all she wants is chicken fingers, mac n cheese, pizza, hot dogs and sweets. She also lives with her parents and has a shit ton of stuffed animals in her bedroom. We’ll go out to the movies and all she wants to watch are Pixar and Disney related animated cartoons. She’s 26 but acts like she’s still in middle school. She has no sense of what it means to be a productive member of society like most adults do.

She sounds fat, that should be the biggest reason you want to cut her loose.
Is there such a thing as a woman-elder?

You know,

Those girls who are mid 20's-30's but act like they are in their 60's-70's...

Because I'm tired of mine going to sleep at 8pm and waking up at 4am..
26 and living at home with her parents and stuffed animals and what not?

You need to recheck that ID pimpin...
Women are overgrown children. They never grow up. They are never held accountable. This is just a fact of life.

The trick is to find one to be your rider.
You’re a rested for even giving her the time of day the instant you realized she was a weirdo.
I tried once but spending like 2 days with her was enough. Collecting dolls, baby voice, embarrassing in public but to her credit she was stupid hot. I just couldn't take her long enough to bang her.
Ditzy, immature women are a huge turnoff of mine, like nails on a chalkboard.
She would have to be very hot and put out like crazy for me to mask my contempt.
But if she was very hot and putting out to me I'd be more concerned about a mental disability.
I was on and off with one I met on tinder. The first time I went to her place to smash, her bedroom probably had over 100 stuffed animal panda bears and dolphins.

She was a mix of woman child and white trash. I may have to call her up soon.
Yeah. I was 29 she was 22. She was obsessed with Harry Potter and Miyazaki movies. Cute red head. Looking back it wasn't much of a relationship. We probably had sex like 10 times in 9 months.
:flush: no poontang no jav. forilla
I don’t date any girl who has horrible taste in food.

I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life eating Fridays or Applebee’s with some idiot
I’m dating one now and I’m starting to have doubts. At first it didn’t bother me so much but as time goes on I’m beginning to realize it’s a waste of time. A woman-child is the female equivalent of a man-child. Basically she acts like a child that’s stuck inside an adult woman.

I can’t stand the way she talks and her mannerisms mimic that of a schoolgirl. What bugs the shit out of me is what she eats. We’ll go out to a nice restaurant and all she wants is chicken fingers, mac n cheese, pizza, hot dogs and sweets. She also lives with her parents and has a shit ton of stuffed animals in her bedroom. We’ll go out to the movies and all she wants to watch are Pixar and Disney related animated cartoons. She’s 26 but acts like she’s still in middle school. She has no sense of what it means to be a productive member of society like most adults do.
man, i have so many questions. sex?
i dated an 18 year old in my late 30's. sex only takes you so far brocephus. that shine wore off quick
I'm in a relationship with a young lady who I wouldn't call a woman child because she recently bought a condo and has a pretty independent job but she's 11 years younger than me and in her early 20s. She is way into Disney movies and Disney music so that's a little concerning. She looks younger than she is too and might have jealousy issues... We'll see how it goes. A little blind to anything negative right now...