Opinion Have you personally experienced police brutality?

In the village i grew up

Cop station was like 60km away

Response time over an hour easy

Free real estate for aspiring gangsters.

Almost. Was walking peacefully, got a stiff push in the back from a female cop, and when I said “please don’t,” she said “stop resisting.” Of course I wasn’t.

harassment for nothing? Lol way more than any of the black people I have known that have complained about it. They just don’t seem to know what “bored cops” in populated suburbs can be like.

I had a cop poorly hiding behind a bush waiting to jump me one time. Didn’t end up happening. Good story though, and very typical police stupidity.

Do American cops get paid by the arrest or something? Because it sure sounds like it.

Bored cops in Finland just go eat donuts. You get paid anyway so why would you start shit with anybody?
Free real estate for aspiring gangsters.

Do American cops get paid by the arrest or something? Because it sure sounds like it.

Bored cops in Finland just go eat donuts. You get paid anyway so why would you start shit with anybody?

We have a massive “system” that employs far too many useless people, and requires far too many other people to be on the wrong side. It’s not just the police, but it’s the BS amount of government welfare workers getting paid to ruin and then oversee the ruined lives. Police are expected to keep it all going, and it’s a scam.

I have heard they have “quotas,” which is of course insane. If nobody commits a crime, they have to arrest people anyway to prove they are doing “a good job.”
Long time lurker, made an account when I saw this. As an idiot teen I took off from a cop because I had some weed in my car (dumb, dumb, dumb), got out of his sight after turning a corner and about 3 seconds later two more police cars appeared and had me dead to rights (you cannot outrun a radio gents). I was *ahem* extricated from vehicle at gunpoint, put on the ground, knee to the back of my neck whilst being cuffed, etc. Cop (two black cops) slammed my head onto trunk of the car and cussed me up one end and down the other. I was unarmed. A clear cut case of play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I ended up needing 15 stitches and at my age now I can look back and say I deserved every one of them. If someone had a phone back then and turned it on halfway through I'd be a rich man though!

Every single interaction (all traffic stuff) I've had since then I can honestly the officer couldn't have been more dispassionate and most even seemed annoyed that they had to waste their time pulling me over.

Welcome to Mordor.

Appreciate the responses folks, ran out of likes. Small sample size but its shifted my perception slightly. Still believe a greater percentage of the bad seed cops are just assholes rather than racists.
No, never. In my country only the gendarmes are stupid. Not brutal, but stupid.

In Europe the police is far from the US, but the Spaniards are pretty proud and cocky like the Latins. Dumb. The most violent are the German and the Italian police probably. Police in Germany especially is very bad and their equipment is very ugly.

Most brutal police is probably in Russia, but that"s outside the EU.

The police is hired by the citizens. They are lying the Americans they can"t handle without brutality. Look at Western Europe, where immigration has also played a big role!
I wouldn't call it brutality, but definitely overstep where I've had entire cars or tour vehicles I've been riding in torn apart by nazi bros trying to see if they could find someone's weed shake on multiple occasions.
When I was a child I lived next to the high school so I would occasionally go home for lunch. Neighbors must’ve thought I was a burglar and called the cops. I heard a commotion around the side of the house so I opened the door to go and check it out and saw two cops very poorly trying to sneak around the back. Another cop off to the other side saw me and drew his weapon. He threw me to the ground with one hand pressed his pistol to the back of my head.

He cuffed me on the deck and waited while the other two searched the house. I was laughing and I could tell it was frustrating the guy watching me. He picked me up and walked me into the living room and asked me to prove it was my residence. I just pointed to the pictures on the wall, then he asked me for the deed, which I couldn’t produce because I was 14. He ended up calling my father who rushed home. They left before he got there, almost immediately after realizing they messed up.
Are you white? Imagine if you were black and you had a shiny cellphone. Maybe not as much funny. ;/

Been pulled over several times.

Each time I was respectful, kept my hands on the steering wheel, said yes sir/maam, no sir/maam.

I only encountered one condescending dick.

People seem to have forgotten to be submissive, obedient and polite to police officers. Do exactly what they say, and say "yes sir". Don't fucking antagonize them by ignoring them and trying to bullshit talk over them. Its become "cool" to talk back and yap at police officers, blatantly ignore their commands and act like "i don't have to do what you say officer, this is a free country", and for decades they have had very few nice responses to such behavior and were publicly supported to shut you the fuck up if you act a fool.

Police are your boss. Do what they say or suffer the consequences.

Queue dorks crying fascism for stating that simple common sense fact. Acting like being forced to be obedient and subservient to law enforcement officers is the next coming of slavery. An overwhemling amount of the same dorks think they can ignore police orders to leave and shove cameras in their face and yell worldstar.

That being said, some are worse than others and a lot of videos ARE police brutality.

We have as a society put the bad cops and good cops in an impossible situation. Cops can't sit afraid to act because of social optics. Hesitation often means death in their profession. For every video of a brutal cop there are unseen instances not on video of cops trying to be moderate and fair only to be attacked and badly injured or killed by a street thug.
I’m not crazy and @ me next time instead of being a coward. And I called him a racist cuz he is a racist. I’ve seen him liked some incredibly racist comments on here before.


I didn't even know what your handle was and it doesn't pop.

Took a girl up to a rooftop on the projects for a romantic evening of looking at the skyline. Then a couple cops showed up who were taking a trainee out on his first patrol. It was dark, so they took no chances and slammed me down from behind. Then the trainee put a gun to my head, which I could probably have complained about, but we all know would ultimately have gone nowhere.

Fun side note to that story: They threw me in the men's holding cell (which was full of drug dealers) and they threw the girl in the women's holding which was the next cell over (and was empty). As the hours passed I made friends with the drug dealers by having a lengthy conversation about everyone's favorite fighting game franchise Tekken. My date stayed silent the whole night, but heard every word we were saying.

At one point I expressed remorse about how dumb I'd been and how much trouble I'd gotten us into. One of the guys responded "Well look at it this way, maybe this experience will bring you both closer together!"

There was about two seconds of silence, and then we all burst out laughing for a minute. She never spoke to me again.
No, but listen...

Interracial Violent Victimizations (Excluding Homicide) Between Blacks And Whites (2018)
Total: 593,598
Committed By Blacks Against Whites: 537,204 (approx. 90%)
Committed By Whites Against Blacks: 56,394 (less than 10%)
--Bureau of Justice Statistics

So tired of people ignoring the real truth behind black me dying at the hands of police.

Not condoning what happen to George, but white people and black allies need to march on these issues.
When I was like 16 I bought a gram of weed downtown in the skid row area.
I was with my buddy and his older brother.
2 undercovers creep up behind me while walking down a back alley
Grab me from behind and slam me into the building wall and then to the ground.
Rip my pockets out. Slap me up a bit and yell at me.
Go through my wallet, every picture, business card... “who’s this what’s this”. What are doing in this area. It’s not safe for a kid like you LoL

yeah I’m like not safe from guys like you haha.
That was one of my earliest run ins with the cops
Had a lot of others. Had a few racial encounters with my Asian friends. Cops calling them slurs and all that.
I’m not black or a minority Myself

one time I was drunk in a limo and started to yell “ fuck the police” at cops, lol
A cop pulled over the limo. Pulled me out took off his badge and challenged me to a one on one fight! No way in hell that was going down haha.

but overall I would say things are cool
If you aren't out after hours hanging out or up to no good, you will normally have no problems. I’ve also met some super cool cops who have turned a blind eye at times to me drinking or having weed.
I’ve experienced power ego police that feel like they own the world ..
Of all the times I was roughed up there was only really 1 time I didnt fully deserve it and in all honestly if we wernt up to no good (petty drunkin scaly wag behavior) all could have been avoided.

Basically heres the incident, my mate was pulled over by police while driving drunk, he blows in the bag and it comes up as high range drink driving, license check, comes back as suspended. Hes asked to exit the car and empty his pockets, places his phone on the bonnet of the vehicle, thats when 1 of the police offers grab his phone and starts going through it. My mate tried snatching it back and he gets fucking slammed and there both goin to town on him . I step out the passenger side of the vehicle and walk around to the back (most probaly not the smartest move).

Thats when 1 of the officers who was wearing a balaclava pulled his gun on me screamed get back, I put my hands up and start walking backwards, he then holsters is gun and pulls out his taser, I can see the little red light from taser on my chest, he then runs up and fly kicks me into a puddle of water (it was a pretty impressive fly kick) then proceeds to do some hocky pocky pressure point shit that isnt working (and I let him know it isnt working in a smart arse way). Im handcuffed by the officer and he procides to dunk my head in and out of this large puddle im laying face down in, while I continue to give him lip and egg on the dunking . I look over at my mate hes laughing (blood pouring at of head ) at how out of hand its all gotten and we both start having abit of a chuckle and the entire situation defuses.

Where both thrown in the paddy driven to the station and spend the night in custody.

As I said earlier the entire situation was avoidable.
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Brutality? No. Fuckery? Yes.

Arrested once for literally nothing. Cop must have been having a bad day and I looked the part of a shit disturber. (I was) All charges dropped within minutes. Was stopped, detained and questioned for apparently no reason more times than I can remember. Can't really blame them as I was around that life for a while. I never lipped off or escalated though as that always seemed counter productive. Never held a grudge for them doing their job.

Having said that, I've had a few cops do me right and help me out when it was clear I was innocent. Even had beers with a few narcs who were friends of people I counted as family.

One thing seems clear to me is the difference in public/leo interactions between here and the US due to the proliferation of firearms. I've had buddies who did long haul trucking tell me that US cops say they're more relaxed pulling over Canucks due to the unlikelihood that they're carrying.

Fwiw I'm a polite and courteous white dude.
I’ve been pulled over MANY times
license suspended twice
Arrested twice

never been beaten by PD.... cuz I’m white? Or because I’m compliant and respectful when dealing with them

Also, what is with people telling their experience and then saying “and all because I’m ___________(fill in race)” ?

did the cops say “I’m whooping your ass because your Hispanic”?

More likely you live with a victim mentality and you see every negative experience in your life as happening “because you’re ___________”
A couple of years ago, I got waaaaaaay too high from weed and stole a bunch of water bottles from a corner shop because of how dry my mouth was lol.

A bunch of cops stopped me and then stood by me while I came off the high. I don't remember exactly what they saying to each other, but I can tell they were mostly making fun of how high I was.

For reference, this was in NYC and the cops were all young. If they were old, I imagine them to be much harsher and less forgiving.
If you live or have lived in Latin America and used to go to futebol games.
Yep you probably have plenty of bad encounters with the popo.