Elections House Oversight Committee Hearing descends into shouting and catty insults between AOC, Jasmine Crockett and MTG

lol at the way the media is trying to make this out to be such a big deal.
The most frustrating and depressing thing is the participants are too stupid to retrospectively be embarrassed by their behavior. Most of us have moments where we get too emotional and say and do stupid things, but we cringe at it looking back, and maybe even apologize. That won't happen with this bunch.
If you're a grown adult and you speak like this that's bad enough, but an elected government official?? How is this acceptable and accepted?
All of this theater is for their constituents, and theirs are younger. That vernacular was aimed at them.
Instead of trying to be a better example to these kids, their path forward is appeasing the dumbest type of American youth and normalizing mindless behaviour...
All 3 came across as low IQ morons with the vocabulary of ghetto trash.

This 18 year old documentary was predicting this type of stuff would happen 500 years from now

lol at the way the media is trying to make this out to be such a big deal.
It kind of is. Tax dollars pay for this shit and these are the people making decisions lol.

Same thing I groan about when I watch Canadian political theater/parliament.

Trudeau and Polievre exchange insults and someone goes "Mr speaker....I personally am offended by this travesty."

My tax dollars shouldn't be paying for this shit.
It kind of is. Tax dollars pay for this shit and these are the people making decisions lol.

Same thing I groan about when I watch Canadian political theater/parliament.

Trudeau and Polievre exchange insults and someone goes "Mr speaker....I personally am offended by this travesty."

My tax dollars shouldn't be paying for this shit.
Did it give you the vapors? Seriously, who the fuck cares? A congressional committee meeting got comically heated for a minute or so.
What a disgrace from all three of those noodleheads

They all complain about women not being taken seriously in positions of power and this is how they act?!

What’s worse is people actually support and voted for them
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The only things MTG is good at is taking Steriods, buying stocks and cheating on her husband.
My favorite part about her is she actually has the balls to lecture people on morality when she was married she fucked everybody but her husband.
She is another phony elected GOP Christians who says the right words for the Christian base but appears to have never read the Bible.
She had a long term affair with a dude that looks like Zangief from Street Fighter.
AOC is an absolute embarrassment of a human being. These three should all be ashamed of acting that way.
What exactly did aoc do besides call out butch body for throwing out a personal insult?
MTG is a bad built bitch tho

How she do all that CrossFit and still has an ass like Hank Hill?

She looks like a salamander in the face, like she breaths thru her skin.

Her feet look like hot pockets that was left in the microwave too long and the cheese burst thru the sides

The nerve of this bitch

You leave the house wearing open toe shoes when you know you got toes that look like crackhead teeth
What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Considering how much they're paid and how many people they represent, this isn't funny. It's depressing.

And pretty lame smack talk.
MTG broke decorum first. She is the epitome of white trash. God I hate her.
The only things MTG is good at is taking Steriods, buying stocks and cheating on her husband.
My favorite part about her is she actually has the balls to lecture people on morality when she was married she fucked everybody but her husband.
She is another phony elected GOP Christians who says the right words for the Christian base but appears to have never read the Bible.
She had a long term affair with a dude that looks like Zangief from Street Fighter.


Anybody who puts their trust or believes in these politicians is a bird brain
What exactly did aoc do besides call out butch body for throwing out a personal insult?

AOC was completely in the right to call out Majorie but when she started trying to get street cred with that “baby girl” talk, is when she went off the deep end
The biggest idiots on left an right going at it like school girls . That was an embarrassment for all sides all 3 should be censured for that juvenile idiocy.
AOC was completely in the right to call out Majorie but when she started trying to get street cred with that “baby girl” talk, is when she went off the deep end
You mean “when she matched her energy”

Strange how these women defending themselves seems to be the greater offense.

Yall really that gotdamn persnickety??

These are women cat fighting and y’all up in here acting worse than them.

Talking bout some “heyyy!! No pulling hair you guysss!”

Stop it.

The fuck is wrong with y’all?!
MTG is the dumbest caveman redneck trailer bitch to waste time and tax dollars. In other countries, should would have been forced to resign several hundred incidents ago. I’d rather see her in the octagon getting her Neanderthal head kicked in then hear about her daily bullshit performative politics.