How healthy is gluten free pasta?


May 10, 2020
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What’s good playboys. I’m a huge pasta fan. Tired of eating all those BS complex carbs. Not a fan of sweet potatoes, normal potatoes and rice . Shit get real boring real fast. Y’all think pasta is healthy to eat? I could eat boxes of those shit all day everyday.
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I would say Whole-grain pasta is a better choice since it's low on calories and I would say it's healthy as soon as you eat it in moderation. Excess of everything is bad.
Gluten free pasta didn't do anything for me. It tasted quite bland when I tried it. With that said, the brown rice pasta in theory could be healthy.

With that said, other gluten free foods taste excellent to me, such as cookies.
Some of the alternative flour pastas are quite good, but way more expensive than a huge bag of cheap pasta twists. I used to buy chickpea flour pasta from whole foods which was quite tasty. I think many of them use brown rice flour too though.
My Dude, don’t fuck with traditional pasta, only purchase imported Italian made pasta....