How many of you sherbros ogs

I'm 36 and my girl is 31. Trying for our first at the moment.

She had a miscarriage earlier this year unfortunately. The Docs advice was try again when you feel ready and the chances are on our side for the next one.
Good luck bro. My first one showed up on Sunday. He's a chunky lad.
41 and have two boys. They are awesome. Last week I taught them to make fart sounds with their armpits.

My “Father of the Year” trophy should arrive in the mail any day now.
Don’t got kids? I’m about to hit 34 in couple of months and still ain’t got no kids. My identical twin bro on the other hand has 2. Sometimes I feel bit jelly but same time feel lucky. Discuss
The second half of your life will be lonlier if you don't start your own family.
I'll tell you about my experience and my perspective if you're interested:

I'm 41. By my late 30s all my friends and siblings had kids and seeing how kids impacted their lives and relationships, I just ended up doubling down on never wanting to have kids. I always thought that they would take a huge toll on my relationship, my finances and take away from me living and enjoying my life, and I'm not talking about being out partying, but just enjoying being able to do anything whenever I want, including not doing anything at all, as well as enjoying my hobbies and my quiet time in my clean apartment. I know it sounds selfish and it is and I don't care, I know what works for me and I knew that I'd be happier living that lifestyle.

Everybody always told me that I would miss out, that having kids is great and having that love and connection with a tiny person that is a part of you is the best thing ever.

Despite using birth control, my GF and I ended up getting pregnant (my boys can swim!) and now I have a 3 year old girl. Now that I've been on both sides of the argument, I can now say that I was right, and they were right too.

I absolutely love my baby and would give my life and everything for her in a heartbeat, and I'm sure that if you decide to have kids, you will feel the same way. BUT despite having those feelings, you still get tired, irritated, your relationship does go to shit, you barely have any free time to do fun things or go out and when you do have free time, you mainly just want to rest or chill at home cause you're tired and you will spend your hard earned money on shit like tupperwares and diapers and tuitions and doctors and day care instead of playstations, a bigger tv or a nicer car.

I will say that having a support system near you like your mom or inlaws to babysit can be a huge game changer, though. My mom passed recently so we only have one option in my inlaws and it helps a ton but I wish we'd have more time for ourselves. Life at home ain't perfect but we've made a nice little family and are doing ok.

I can't tell you if it's worth it or not cause it's different for everyone, but just try to picture how you want to live your life and if you are ready to give up some perks and liberties in order to start a family, which will start a new chapter in your life that comes with a sense of self-realization and growth and that will give you a different set of satisfactions in return for those compromises.
Nah I don’t have any, need to win the lottery first so I can afford it.
No kids and I never saw the point in starting a family. I also never wanted to be married either. I have several nephews and nieces who are a big part of my life and I’ve gotten to experience the diapers, playgrounds, emergency rooms, birthdays etc and I’m thankful.

However, I like having my own life and not really having to consider to many other folks in my personal decisions of what I want to do.

I also think it’s selfish to create a life with the hopes that person will then be indebted to me and take care of me when I’m old and decrepit. If I even make it that far I’ll check into a nursing home. If I had kids I’d do the same thing and not derail their lives by expecting them to cater to me in old age. Our family name will continue with my nieces and nephews and as far as legacy, most people are forgotten about by their third generation in their family so why bother disrupting my one time on this earth by creating more responsibilities than I already have.
I have 2. One in college and one in Grad School. My son's best friend lived with us for a few years and still has a room here, he is away at school. My daughter also had a friend live with us as my old business partner had to take a job across the country and she wanted to graduate here. Add in boyfriends and girlfriends, and regular friends and 2 dogs and this house has been a zoo for years. I also coached all of my kids' sports teams until HS. I am still "coach" years later to many of the kids. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. My house was never a show place due to the traffic, and I look at every scuffed floor and scratched wall with pride. My door will always be open to this community. For all we have done, we have gotten so much more back in return.
Dam a 24, you must be one handsome silver fox.
Or he has Anderson Silva money, play boi.

40 year old Sherdog OG here. I got one 6 year old son. It’s pretty F’in awesome, not gonna lie. Would recommend if you can find the right lady.
Don’t got kids? I’m about to hit 34 in couple of months and still ain’t got no kids. My identical twin bro on the other hand has 2. Sometimes I feel bit jelly but same time feel lucky. Discuss
I don't but my ex has a son who lived with us when he was in junior high and some high school. He's a good kid, we still text.
I had my first (and only yet) at 40.

Absolute. Single. Best. Thing. Ever. In. My. Life.

Biology is a mother fucking kick in the nuts. It truly is as mind bending as they say. Every single day since he’s been born (2 1/2 years ago) I’m amazed at him and he’s been the highlight of my day.
Couldn’t imagine a better, cuter, sweeter baby.

10/10 would recommend. Unless you’re an asshole.
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39, no kids, not planning in any, but wouldn't rule it out.