Social How many transgender people do you know?

In my life, 3.

One was a retired airforce mechanic, worked with my wife’s grandfather back in the day.

One was a guy a knew from Highschool, went through a bunch of buzzword identities the last few years, now Trans, full on hormones and such. Still married with his two daughters, fairly together and educated guy.

One is a cousin I don’t really know, would not be shocked if there were a few issues going on there.
I work with 3, and my mom is married to fem to male. I work with quite a few non binary folks as well.
That is ridiculously high. Also, the fact they are ALL female to men is mental because that version is far, far less common than male to female...
Not if you've ever coached women's sports. Half my daughter's basketball team are female to males. I guess traditionally they would be labeled as bulldykes, but these days they simply call them trans.
I don't know any and I suspect I haven't met any transgender people. I read many years ago that the transgender population was small and figured that was why I'd not met any.

He has passed away now but a doctor that used to live up the street used to perform sex change operations. He ran a fertility clinic and sex change was one of his services offered. I don't know how busy his practice was.
Zero. Met 1 growing up in Austin, my older sister's friend. Went from Chris to Christina on day & 6 year old me could not comprehend. 45 year old me does not either. Why is transism limited to gender?
there is one tranny at my medical school. it is weird seeing him. he wears a dress everyday and looks like an ogre playing dress up. no one really talks to him. i feel bad that he is mentally ill
Medical schools are now run by the loons. There is no way a mentally ill man should be accepted into medical school.
Adults probably don't know any trans.

Bit in the schools a teacher told me there is is big increase in lesbians and they are saying they are some type of trans. They try to claim new pronouns like them and they.
I know 4--a church person from the lefty, half atheist church I was going to, two internet gamers I played D&D with, and an actual IRL friend of a friend. The first was a trans-man, the rest trans-women.

They are all pretty chill, but I know all four of them through super liberal groups, so I've never seen any of them have to deal with a non-accepting person.
Goes to show why the majority should cater to any of their demands.
Three, two FtM and one part-time MtF.

None post-op.
My next door neighbor just came out in the last year and told everyone he is a woman now. Dude is in his 50s with a wife and two kids.

Normally he still dresses like a guy but our other neighbor had a superbowl party and he came over dressed as a woman and it was pretty funny to watch everyone just pretend like this 50 something year old man in women's clothing was perfectly normal.
Bruce Jenner lived as a man for 65 years. Went mentally I’ll and is now a tranny
I used to do Kickboxing with a women who became a man, so I actually got to witness the whole transformation.

Honestly, if you saw him now you would not know he/she was ever a women. Looks like a guy, sounds like a guy, acts like a guy, has a beard, and is married to a women with a kid.

I certainly noticed a massive power difference after all of the testosterone treatments.
Try telling that to all the Jones fans who say he never needed the stuff he was always using

Honestly I have no clue I tend to mind my business quite well

I have no reason to care about someone having a sex change or whatever Trans stuff is going on with a person unless I plan to stick my dick in their snatch, but of course I'm taken and I only give that pleasure to my girl so, I would have to say sorry Trans persons if you're offended but I really don't give af about it or the whole pronoun nonsense