How smart is your home?

I kinda want a door that will detect some little keychain fob thing, and then automatically unlock when I get close.

It's always a pain in the ass to unlock my door when my hands are full.

And it doesn't feel any less secure since someone would need to steal my keys to get in, which is the same security level as a regular lock. Unless they're easily hacked of course.

Anyhoo, does your smart lock do this?
august detects GPS/bluetooth (phone based), works great for the most part, when working perfectly, it opens your door as you approach your home, sometimes it is delayed for whatever reason, but most of those times, by the time you walk up, it's unlocked, less frequent, it wont unlock at all. I have it to auto lock within 3 minutes, regardless of who is in the area. You can pass out digital keys to your cleaning crew (with time ranges when it is enabled/disabled) or simply remote unlock from thousands of miles away.

I use the original August with Wifi bridge (separate component)
I hear there are newer versions that deplete the battery faster? not bothered to upgrade simply because it works so well and I dont want to break a winning formula. My kids, parents, brother, they all have digital keys to my place without needing to remember some passcode. One of the downside is that remote open works only for the master user (me) and I cant grant access to my wife. She can open the door just fine with the app, but not as cool. Another downside is that you need to be able to have a door that closes and locks with ease, and if you're not good at adjusting doors, I can see how people can get frustrated with this product or any similar. If you have double doors, that would be even more of a hassle getting it aligned all the time.

no monthly costs or subscriptions, fantastic
Nah fam mans figured out how to open a garage door without a phone when I was a yute just gotta hop da sensor 🦘 lived in da hood for a bit locking doors is 2nd nature fam ain't no stressin aboot dem smart locks I got ting on lock no cap 💯🔐🦌 programming a thermostat fam all due respect das mad easy fam fr no point in upgrading like bro are u dumb just get up push da button if u need 🥶🥵 smart fridge smart bbq ting like dat das str8 lazy fam don't get me started

My garage gym smart AF tho ngl
we have a few Alexa's, Roku's and Ring camera's. That's about as smart as i want my house to be.
i live in a home that was built in 1910. by your standards, it's retarded.
My home is pretty dumb right now. I have one smart device that I pretty much use as an alarm clock and nothing else.

But I have a buddy with a smart garage door opener that's pretty cool. It sends him alerts if he forgets to close it. And he can open/close with his phone which is handy like if you want to let a neighbor in your house to check on your pets or something.

Sometimes I do think it would be cool to have voice activated lights and fans and whatnot.

Anyhoo, how smart is your home? So you love your smart devices or are they just another problem?

Smarter than you mate!
Hopefully too dumb to be hacked or locked out due to battery running out of power.
Just phone and computer. No TV or anything that takes voice commands or records. Not 100% sure we even have a can opener, I'll have to get back to you on that.
I live there so that definetely brings the intelligence down quite a few notches! Atleast I am self aware, though
Smart house will harvest your data
My computers are the only things in my home that are connected to anything.
I don't even have a digital thermostat, the HVAC system runs on an old school mercury thermostat.
Deliberately dumb. I have a remote to turn on a floor lamp though.
@lsa uses a smart bulb from Phillips