How would prime Palhares do against current MW/WW?

Leon Edwards

Blue Belt
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Prime Palhares was the most destructive grappler we have ever seen in MMA. He could beat anyone on any given night.

He could beat Izzy and Alex but may struggle against the more well rounded fighters.

How does he do at WW?
He'd probably be suspended when he pissed so hot the cup melted.

If he got past the testing he'd do about the same as he did in the past. Maybe a little worse. I recall he was taken out of his game pretty easily and didn't do well under pressure. Hard to imagine he'd thrive agsinst guys like Stickland or Chimaev.
I think he would do pretty much the same as he did when he was in UFC before, win some and lose some and not consistent enough. I don't doubt that he could tap many guys, he is a great grappler and very physically strong.. but he was never that consistent
Fedor? Lol you really have no concept of time do you? Pereira did try MMA in 2015 and went 2-1. Had he started off in MMA instead of kickboxing he wouldn't be as good at striking and wouldn't have the accolades or rivalry with Izzy. He wouldn't have been rushed into the title picture and would have had to work his way up like an ordinary fighter and get thoroughly tested in every aspect of MMA. He'd be in a wrestler heavy division as well. 205 is the weakest it's been in a long time, particularly in wrestling. Think prime versions of Jones, DC, Rumble, Glover, Phil Davis, Ryan Bader, etc.
Paul Harris could hang with any of the current fighters. His grappling is top notch. I do not think he would consistently win, but he would have a few wins on his record against current fighters.
Prime Palhares was the most destructive grappler we have ever seen in MMA. He could beat anyone on any given night.

He could beat Izzy and Alex but may struggle against the more well rounded fighters.

How does he do at WW?
I still consider him to be the SCARIEST fighter of all-time.
Not the best, by a long shot, but the scariest.
Basically the Incredible Hulk with autism... Can't trust him to let go when you tap.... And leglocks are no joke.
Speaking of Palhares I always enjoyed this short piece they did on him back in the day.
He talks about his upbringing, living in basically a fucking hut with no floor and all his other hardships during his childhood.

Probably beat 1 or 2 top 10, but fail miserably against someone who is not even top 30.

Do something weird and get cut. XD

Palhares was just a beast, technically and athletically, unfortunately also a nutcase and a mental midget.

Pretty much guaranteed to snap, and then screw up, give up, or do something stupid sooner or later.

Definitely huge potential though.
it was my dream before to watch palhares vs maia
man that would be epic

Shields kinda showed what a great grappler with decent wrestling can do against Palhares. Now if there were also a ref that prevents eye gouges, Maia would probably win a decision. Always a chance of getting caught of course.