How's your hairline holding up?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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How is your hairline holding up currently? What age did you start losing hair?

Mine is doing Ok considering I'm 40 years old. It started to recede from my forehead. As you can see, it's not too bad yet

I see these women who wear their hair knotted up tight and they tend to look like ancient Shaolin monk Jet Li.
Well enough at 42 but yeah it’s not as TST once was.
But not Quite TRTor USADA deflate-difference yet.
I’m 39 and my hairline is unfazed by Father Time. My eyebrows are getting out of control, though. Had to start trimming those bad boys a couple years back.
started shaving my head during the pandemic right before I hit 40

up front is ok, but oh boy the occiput is a mess
40 and my hairline barely changed from when I was a teen. But I cannot grow a beard to save my life, have to settle for a goatee. I also have very little body hair.