Hunter Campbell and Jeff Novitzky are speaking regarding the UFC's partnership with USADA


Mel Gibson's Attorney
Oct 17, 2009
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Thread by aaron bronster above, transcription below.
Campbell says that the UFC have sent a legal letter to USADA that will be issued to media soon.

BREAKING: The UFC will be partnering with Drug Free Sport International in the future.

- Campbell says that what USADA have done to Conor McGregor is disgusting and that they may be legally liable for it.
"USADA CEO Travis Tygart "lost his mind" on the phone call that they had on Monday after he was told that the UFC were going in a different direction."
"Testing will continue through the end of the year and that in the new year, they will launch a new program. The way USADA have treated McGregor is different from how they have treated any other athlete in the past."
"The UFC plans on having an anti-doping program that will be even better than what they had with USADA."

- Novitzky
"very happy with how the program has gone and that they have had less than a 1% positivity rate. He says that the UFC have learned that USADA is not the only player in the space and that they have the means to make the next program stronger and better."
"he will never be involved in a program that isn't the gold, and now platinum, standard.
"has dedicated his life to anti-doping, even at the risk of his family." (???)
"Calls USADA's narrative yesterday "garbage" and "trash" He says that it has done damage to the emphasis that the UFC have put on anti-doping.
"athlete experience under USADA has not been popular due to the burden that it has put on them. He says that the UFC's internal team has been hard at work to give the athletes better technology when it comes to whereabouts reporting." The UFC will be continuing the milestone recognition program.

- Novitzky cont'd:
"they will continue to have the most transparent anti-doping program in pro sports."
"Drug Free Sports International will be tasked with sample collection, as they have been for the NBA, NFL, NHL, WNBA, NASCAR and many other pro sports leagues."
"Drug Free Sports International is a perfect fit with the UFC because of how experienced they are with sample collection."
"Dr. Dan Eichner, who runs the SMRTL lab, which has the highest accreditation in anti-doping, will run the UFC's laboratory analysis and the science."
"Per Eichner's recommendation, they will have the best EPO testing, use a leeching device called TASSO+, which does not require needles and blood draws. They will increase blood testing using this new method."
"they will have the most comprehensive prohibited list. They will implement oral fluid testing to be stored long-term to compare in case using stimulants proves to be an issue."
"they will be using advanced growth hormone detection as well. They will continue to look at biological passports with additional enhancements. Calls it "smarter, more efficient, more effective technology and more convenient for the athletes"

- Campbell
counters what Tygart had told him about the UFC not having truly independent testing, says that this will add even more independence under this new program.
Campbell received a call from California State Athletic Commission Andy Foster after USADA issued their press release that he was happy that the UFC would no longer be working with USADA because they have been difficult for his commission to deal with.

- Novitzky
"the independent administrator running the UFC's next anti-doping program is George Piro." George Piro was a special agent in charge at the FBI's Miami Field Office, was the Team Leader of the Saddam Hussein Interrogation Team in 2004 (per Wikipedia). (WFG: What the fuck does this guy have to do with anti doping?)

"Piro will make EVERY decision in the program and that the authority will be his and his alone." "he will be surrounded by many expects, including the aforementioned Dr. Eichner."
"despite the "garbage narrative" that USADA put out, that the proof will be in the pudding that the UFC's new anti-doping program will be superior to the one with USADA."
"USADA's press release has confused the fighters and managers and that it is counter-intuitive to their claims that they are looking out for the athletes."

- Campbell
"USADA's response to the McGregor situation has proven that they run like a dictatorship. He says that they have tried to impose their will on the UFC and that McGregor, as an independent contractor, isn't the type of athlete that they are used to dealing with."
"assured Tygart 'that McGregor wasn't fighting in December after McGregor proclaimed that he was.'"

Campbell says that there was NEVER going to be an exception made for McGregor where he wouldn't be in the program for six months prior to competing."

"believes that USADA have used McGregor as a vehicle to advance a false narrative and calls it "incredibly unethical".
believes "the press release that USADA sent yesterday was rooted in "ego and fear"
when he spoke to Tygart on Monday, he was extremely calm, "while Tygart became unhinged. Calls Tygart an individual who's "dealing with a lot of sh*t"
"Dana White always demands the best when it comes to all aspects of the UFC and that was top of mind when they went to develop the best possible anti-doping program going forward."

"We [The UFC] put up millions dollars for USADA to enhance the anti-doping technology.

- Novitzky
"We [The UFC] haven't seen "jack sh*t" when it comes to technological advances. They spent $1.8 million to make things easier on the athletes and nothing was done."

- Campbell
"doesn't know where USADA will go from here when it comes to professional sports and it is clear why so many sports leagues have gone with Drug Free Sport International."

Campbell urges media to reach out to the athletic commissions to ask about their experiences with USADA.

[Campbell] "sat through hearings that he felt were unethical."
"Piro will serve as the adjudicating body for the athletes. Drug Free Sport will send the samples to the SMRTL lab, results will go to Piro after they are analyzed and the athlete will explain and it will go to an arbitration program (MacLaren is mentioned)."
"thanked Tygart for the partnership and offered to work with them on a communication plan to show their appreciation for their work together, but that he couldn't get a word in because Tygart was so angry."

- Novitzky
"Piro will not be waking up athletes in the middle of the night before they are going to be competing and that collectors will not be getting samples prior to going to weigh-ins or other times that will impact their upcoming bouts."
"retired athletes or athletes that leave the pool will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. There is a different between a good faith and bad faith retirement."
"there was a lot of resistance from USADA when it came to USADA over-policing tainted supplements and no-fault findings."
"USADA is now using no-fault findings to promote themselves even though the UFC were the ones who pushed for them."
"[The UFC] will now have the ability to beta test drug testing innovations that will be more friendly to the fighters.

- Novitzky
"understands why USADA has to be cautious given that they are under the WADA umbrella, but that it has blurred the lines from some UFC athletes who have seen sanctions from other sports and how it could impact them in the same situations."
"The Olympic sport model does not fit a professional sports model in many cases."
[on Jon Jones] "they are still looking for an answer on the M3 metabolite issue. He says that the UFC has a different athlete who has had M3 metabolite come and go for six year with no evidence of re-administration." (WFG: Who was this different athlete?)

Dr. Eichner told Novitzky that if someone has been exposed to the M3 metabolite from a tainted supplement, that trace amounts could pop up for the rest of their lives. Novitzky says that there's no real answer at this time as to why.
(WFG: It is known that using steroids for a short amount of time can benefit you for up to ten years. As to that being an excuse for Jones "pulsing", I am not an endocrinologist, but I would lean more towards Jones taking a designer dna crafted chimera roid specific to his body that was slightly too strong or his cycle timing was off).

- Campbell says that a clomiphene study was done to see how levels will change over a period of time and that the general opinion was that it had a half-life of a specific period of time. He says that a subsequent study showed that years later, those same subjects tested positive.
(WFG: Roid for a short time, get a decade long boost, as mentioned. They try to spin it as a sign of innocence for Jon, trying to cope that he only roided once, but I just see it as advancements in testing being able to spot smaller and smaller amounts of PEDs left in the blood.)
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In b4 all the people saying "they should do what NFL, NBA, other leagues do" suddenly aren't happy with that because it's actually what they're doing.
I wonder what the cope will be when it comes to that <45>
"But muh zero legitimacy!"
It seems there were a lot of issues with USADA behind the scenes, and I remember many fighters complaining about a lot of the stuff Hunter brings up, like being woken up in the middle of the night before a fight. Ridiculous stuff. Sounds like Tygart was a central issue.
Novitzky says that the Olympic sport model does not fit a professional sports model in many cases.
This is a huge, underdiscussed point when it came to drug testing on here.
I wonder what the cope will be when it comes to that <45>
It seems there were a lot of issues with USADA behind the scenes, and I remember many fighters complaining about a lot of the stuff Hunter brings up, like being woken up in the middle of the night before a fight. Ridiculous stuff. Sounds like Tygart was a central issue.
You know it's bound to happen because a lot here just like to be unhappy with it, whatever it is.

I can't complain, if these other big leagues are using this program with success, it should work here too. And yeah, some of USADA's methods have sucked, 3am visits, etc.

Meanwhile there's still a strong contingent here fully believing Dana White made a unilateral decision to kill USADA so everyone could dope. Sigh
Meanwhile there's still a strong contingent here fully believing Dana White made a unilateral decision to kill USADA so everyone could dope. Sigh
Anyone actually believing that is either a mongol or severely overestimates how much money one McGregor PPV a year makes. Roids are terrible for the sport, always have been, and more importantly, they shorten the lives of athletes that don't have the millions (Bones) to pony up for designer roids. Overall, I think it's a step in the right direction and understand that USADA was literally just a brand name.
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My guy am i supposed to read all that bro.

Its a block chain...

Also if it's the same as NFL and alot of people use in the NFL ...what good is it?

We are talking about people hitting other people render them unconscious this isnt throwing a football around with armor on...

There needs to be as strict as possible drug policy not the other way around
How exactly did they treat poor little connie so poorly? Because they wouldn't give him a bogus exemption for using PEDs while he was recovering? For making him be in the test for 6 months just like everyone else?
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I wonder what the cope will be when it comes to that <45>
"But muh zero legitimacy!"
It seems there were a lot of issues with USADA behind the scenes, and I remember many fighters complaining about a lot of the stuff Hunter brings up, like being woken up in the middle of the night before a fight. Ridiculous stuff. Sounds like Tygart was a central issue.

This is a huge, underdiscussed point when it came to drug testing on here.

can you elaborate ? What is the difference between the olympic vs non olympic athlete?
Also if it's the same as NFL and alot of people use in the NFL ...what good is it?

We are talking about people hitting other people render them unconscious this isnt throwing a football around with armor on...
You really just acted like the NFL isn't the fucking front runner in sports related brain damage, didn't ya?
"Novitzky says that Dr. Dan Eichner, who runs the SMRTL lab, which has the highest accreditation in anti-doping, will run the UFC's laboratory analysis and the science."

Finally we get confirmation that this sorry excuse for a PhD was on the UFC payroll. Eichner is a piece of shit and his "pulsing" science is absolute garbage. The olympics won't accept it, which means the better scientists reject his garbage hypothesis. This basically proves that Jon Jones was using Turinabol, rather than "pulsing".
In b4 all the people saying "they should do what NFL, NBA, other leagues do" suddenly aren't happy with that because it's actually what they're doing.

Drug Free Sport International, if you are not aware, is a for profit company owned by a private equity firm. Their singular goal is making money, everything else is secondary and tertiary.

Those familiar with PE and investments in general understand how this is fundamentally different from USADA and other non-profit orgs.

Further, Dana White publicly stated in July 2023 that "Conor could fight this year" and responded, verbatim "who cares what USADA says?" when asked how that is possible without Conor having entered the testing pool.

People can hand wave away that Conor himself announced he would be fighting in December, but the CEO of the company both stated it and then cast aspersions on USADA mattering.

This isn't difficult stuff to put together.

Now they've hired a former FBI field agent from Miami to be the sole arbiter of running the program. This is pretty much in black and white from what Jeff Novitzy has described. Drug Free Sport is just their vendor for collection.

They've brought management of the program in house so they can control it.
"Novitzky says that Dr. Dan Eichner, who runs the SMRTL lab, which has the highest accreditation in anti-doping, will run the UFC's laboratory analysis and the science."

Finally we get confirmation that this sorry excuse for a PhD was on the UFC payroll. Eichner is a piece of shit and his "pulsing" science is absolute garbage. The olympics won't accept it, which means the better scientists reject his garbage hypothesis. This basically proves that Jon Jones was using Turinabol, rather than "pulsing".

To be fair, I don't think Eichner needs to be on the 'payroll' to have a bleeding edge scientific conception. Personally I'm not qualified to have a strong opinion about it, but it does appear to be without consensus.

Jon being a PEDS cheat on Turinabol was never in doubt, but the adjudication process benefited him.
Drug Free Sport International, if you are not aware, is a for profit company owned by a private equity firm. Their singular goal is making money, everything else is secondary and tertiary.

Those familiar with PE and investments in general understand how this is fundamentally different from USADA and other non-profit orgs.

Further, Dana White publicly stated in July 2023 that "Conor could fight this year" and responded, verbatim "who cares what USADA says?" when asked how that is possible without Conor having entered the testing pool.

People can hand wave away that Conor himself announced he would be fighting in December, but the CEO of the company both stated it and then cast aspersions on USADA mattering.

This isn't difficult stuff to put together.

Now they've hired a former FBI field agent from Miami to be the sole arbiter of running the program. This is pretty much in black and white from what Jeff Novitzy has described. Drug Free Sport is just their vendor for collection.

They've brought management of the program in house so they can control it.
That's cool and all but I don't see a single line in there that applies at all to what was quoted. Carry on.