I beat up my best buddy badly

I have to be honest, I have no clue what you're trying to tell me. English is my third language broda but seems like you caught teh ghey

I was insinuating you should uppercut his kids, because they most likely have the same respect for you as their father
Every fight story ever....it was 100% not my fault, I 100% kicked the shit out of them.
Meh it happens, all male friendships i know turn violent at one point and after it you continue like nothing happened
i never had a fight with any of my male friends. i'm the only one that knows how to fight though so i think this has something to do with it.
You beat him badly?

Well , go back and beat him down properly
So you sucker punched him and he just ate it?

That's what I'm getting from this. Must be disheartening
Did he try to hit you? If it's just words and he's on all those drugs, you didn't really need to hit him.
Normally I'd mock TS and these shit tier countries but unfortunately the OP listed countries that my family is from and I've lived in

Should have just beat off your best friend n you could of bonded better. Just saying