I eat lemons like they're oranges.

I like lemonade

But what I really like is to make a lemonade with lots of ice and mix in some hard liquor. It's like drinking a juice that makes you happy
Nobody even eats Oranges like that..

"I'm going to dissect the lemon and put it on a plate."

This has Hannibal vibes. Next thread likely to be "I eat Humans like they're steaks."

Then you post a well done human.
the Satanic Terminator raises a good point.
That's nothing. Australia has an ex prime minister who eats onions like apples.

Depends on how sour the bitch is.

Some Lemons are not to bad and I can hook into one no dramas, other ones though not a chance
You shouldn't do that it's safer for you to use the backdoor..... A French guy told me this once....... Only once mind you because he was riding past on a motorcycle.....
Nobody even eats Oranges like that..

"I'm going to dissect the lemon and put it on a plate."

This has Hannibal vibes. Next thread likely to be "I eat Humans like they're steaks."

Then you post a well done human.
Theres nothing wrong with that. As long as you serve it with white rice and a nice chianti.
I could imagine. I'd be puckered up for days afterwards. I need my sugar added to lemon juice in order to drink it.