I Just Had An MRI

They already did from googling the type of MRI OP had seems to be getting phased out. They had to make larger MRI machines probably due to BBW in the U.S,mexico,china and England.


God damn fatties 🤣😂😆
Yeah they do suck. The 1st one is the worst. Especially a back issue for your 1st since you have to go in all the way. If you need another and have the same experience then request an open one. I've had 6 of them for hand, shoulder and back issues. The last one was about a year ago and the facility changed to an open one and said they are phasing out the tube coffins. Wasn't charged extra or anything. Lot of people are claustrophobic but don't find out until shoved into that thing.
Did you hallucinate? I remember Art Bell had some guests on who talked about hallucinating in the MRI machine. I think they said they felt like they were being visited by some entities while they were in there or something along those lines. You should be a guest on The Why Files
I’ve had a couple MRIs, was just loud and clang-y; like you’re stuck in a tube listening to bad Aphex Twin ripoff. If you’re claustrophobic (I’m not, luckily) I could see it being traumatic, but otherwise the hardest part was just having to lay super still.
Yeah they do suck. The 1st one is the worst. Especially a back issue for your 1st since you have to go in all the way. If you need another and have the same experience then request an open one. I've had 6 of them for hand, shoulder and back issues. The last one was about a year ago and the facility changed to an open one and said they are phasing out the tube coffins. Wasn't charged extra or anything. Lot of people are claustrophobic but don't find out until shoved into that thing.
When I injured my hand they didn't have me take an MRI they injected some sort of radioactive tracer dye into my veins that shows up on this machine that I lay my hand flat on looked like an over head projector this was way back in 2002 tho.
A unique medical experience.
I'm pretty patient so I didnt have any problems with the tests.
I'd rather be scanned than sit in the waiting room.
When I injured my hand they didn't have me take an MRI they injected some sort of radioactive tracer dye into my veins that shows up on this machine that I lay my hand flat on looked like an over head projector this was way back in 2002 tho.
Yeah, contrast right? I had that before too, but in my shoulder and not my hand. Had to lay on a table with the same setup and they jabbed it right into my shoulder then waited 10 mins or so then went over it with the machine while the doc was dictating what he saw. This was 2019 so they're still doing it.
Is it suicide if someone swallowed 100 nuts and went in there?

Talking about the metal kind that thread on to bolts not the ones you guys are familiar with.

I do however agree MRI sucks.

Also fuck the T-3000. But gives me anxiety still.
I've had like 6 MRI's.

I actually fell asleep during most, if not all of them. I've got some weird phobias but luckily claustrophobia isn't one of them.
See if the upcoming powerful solar flare gives you superpowers. The TV said a long time ago, powerful solar flare put so much energy into the air that the old messaging system unplugged from power was able to transmit signals.
I have get PET a scan every 6 months
Not sure how many I’ve had now, probably about 20

I got so much radiation flowing through my body, lol
They are similar to MRI, except you have to get an IV tracer

When I had full body radiation treatment I basically had to have a mold made of my whole body front pack,
They basically encase you in hot plastic, when they do your face/head you can’t breathe until they pop out some breathing holes
I also had to get a bunch of dot tattoos in certain spots on my body to line up the lasers, hips, pelvis and chest
They gave me those little foam earplugs, was still insanely loud as fuck with the nonstop alarm sound ringing for 15 minutes
First 2 were hell, by the third one I was used to it and fell asleep. The noise does seem to go through your whole body. The "M" - Magnetic field is extremely powerful, takes a ton of electricity to create and iirc could lift a small car if applied differently. Wild as hell you take that liquid and it makes all of the body visible on a computer.

Best of luck with the back surgery, Poirierfan may help if you have questions.
CT scan machine is open, those are easy. My last mri, I drank too much coffee before my appointment, when they got me inside the machine, I started freaking out and had them let me out. I calmed myself down and told them to start again, I just had to close my eyes and I got through it. That wasn’t my first mri either. I don’t like them.
Everything in medical science is a torture seems like patient comfort is the last consideration when designing any medical treatment or apparatus.
I saw a mammogram once and it made me want to cry. Who would do such a thing to a beautiful tit?
I had one a few weeks ago. Thought it'd be chill when she asked if I wanted music and gave me headphones. Nope. That shit was deafening.
Thanks, my spine is destroyed so we'll see what my options are, maybe I can get a fancy pants new metal one like Robocop
From the fall down the escalator? Or was it fucked up before?

Either way, hope you see some improvement, shermano

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