If anyone is planning on ever exploring caves as a hobby- watch this first

I'll check this one out later but I've seen plenty of caving videos. No one has to convince me not to go in spaces that tight and dangerous, phrasing, I don't think my mind and body would let me even if I had the desire.

I was walking through a large cave once, saw a short crawl space to another chamber, and hard nope'd that shit.
People like to clown about Darwin awards when someone dies pushing the limits or doing something seemingly foolish, but without these kinds of risk takers humanity advances (evolves, you might say) at a much slower rate.

You need these kinds of fearless odd balls, or who is going to be the first parachute jumper, deep sea welder, skyscraper worker, etc.?

That said, rough way to go, and I'd never be doing that sort of thing, even though I thoroughly enjoy a good adventure.
warning*** this is horrifying to watch if you are claustrophobic so be warned.

Cave diving is even worse. Doing tight shit like this with limited air in an environment that can get 0 visibility silted out at depths where you can get narced. Shit like Jacob's Well where tons of folks have died exploring the 4th chamber and beyond. Some guys have made it to the 7th and 8th chamber, but the "DO NOT RISK YOUR LIFE" sign starts at chamber 4.
Jesus Christ.

I'm gunna go out on a limb and say if you have a child you should give up unnecessary death defying adventure hobbies
There's a YouTube channel, I forget the name, where this dude takes his nephew caving (teenager or close to if I recall correctly) and he says it's relatively safe if done correctly. If memory serves he's an professional but still. I'm not going to speak to the validity of that view one way or another, but nope!
The only tragedy here is that the Nutty Putty Cave is now forever closed off to the public. What a shame.
The only tragedy here is that the Nutty Putty Cave is now forever closed off to the public. What a shame.
Closing that cave was for the best considering they had to do expensive rescues of 6 different people in 6 months in that same spot in the cave before this guy finally was the one they couldn't save

They sealed off a lot of caves but stupid folks keep finding ways in anyways convinced its like a frontier they have to conquer.

I mean, if we can bring waivers they can sign to forgo help if they get stuck, then sure open it back up.

But spelunking in mega tight spaces is stupid as hell. This guy for example

Yup. Stupid.

Cave diving is even worse. It's so dumb even extremely experienced folks die regularly.
Seems dangerous. And for what? What is the fucking point?

Look, if the caves were like caves in Skyrim where you could stand up, may find monsters to fight, and also find some awesome treasure, I’d be able to see why people do it.

But this is just crawling around and squeezing between rocks. And it all looks the same. You don’t get through a passage and end up in some magical wonderland with glowing mushrooms. It’s just more fucking rocks.
Seems dangerous. And for what? What is the fucking point?

Look, if the caves were like caves in Skyrim where you could stand up, may find monsters to fight, and also find some awesome treasure, I’d be able to see why people do it.

But this is just crawling around and squeezing between rocks. And it all looks the same. You don’t get through a passage and end up in some magical wonderland with glowing mushrooms. It’s just more fucking rocks.

Yeah, I absolutely do not get it. There's no prize at the end of the tunnel. Except cave.