If Jones loses to Stipe


White Belt
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Would this be why Jones was too afraid to fight DC at HW?
Jones is 9 years past his peak. Stipe is also past his peak but this is why fights like this suck and don't really mean anything.
He's going to get exposed and his limp dick riding fans will just say he's past his prime or still the best LHW ever
Stipe has 4 title defenses, dawg. Ain't nobody calling stipe the goat of mma. he's not even the HW GOAT, I could name a few that I'd slide above him.

Noone cares about any of that kind of talk.

Jones will be facing a naturally bigger, stronger man that has better boxing and bigger power. Jones may even get taken down and beat up when he fights Stipe. You may not think that is a possibility, but Jones does.
People will say he was never any good and failed the only test he ever got. Lol
Honestly, if Stipe (somehow) beats Jones, I don't think it would be a "I KNEW Jones lost it!" response as much as a "Holy Shit Stipe still got it!!!"
I can't really imagine putting anyone above Stipe aside from Fedor and possibly Big Nog, which is debatable. I would have Stipe #2 HW all time.
If you are talking resume wise, then sure. But peak4peak, I got Prime Werdum, Reem, and Cain handling him. Maybe Francis too. A lot of his esteemed wins were over decayed vets, who were although great were very much past their peak.
Stipe has 4 title defenses, dawg. Ain't nobody calling stipe the goat of mma. he's not even the HW GOAT, I could name a few that I'd slide above him.
Along with Werdum and Fedor, there are no other Heavyweights better than Stipe
Yeah that's why he's ducking the top 5 to fight Stipe

He has "ducked" Stipe for a while, that is if that term makes any sense considering they weren't in the same division at the time. There was a whole bit he went on when he was pressing for a Lesnar fight, IIRC back in that short honeymoon between DC2 and his test results coming back; I can't remember precise language now but it was to the effect that the naturally bigger man in Stipe had the advantage and wasn't optimal on the risk/reward ratio, not like a payday with Lesnar. And there was that tweet when Jones teased the idea of fighting Stipe, Stipe replied whenever you want, and the VERY NEXT DAY Jones' fight with Santos was announced. But now that Stipe's over the 40 hill, sure he's eager. I also think he has the idea that Stipe doesn't have any BJJ chops and he'll have a time like he had with Gane. If so he may be sorely diappointed.
Along with Werdum and Fedor, there are no other Heavyweights better than Stipe
What about Cardio Cain, Reem, and Big Nog? The output and number that the latter two put up definetely dwarfs Stipe's. Cain's peak is more impressive and scary than Stipe's imo. But yeah, I can understand him being 2nd to just Fedor as well.