If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?

Troy Baker.

He can do enough voices to cover all the different voices in my head.
Patrick Stewart. He does comedy well, and well, seems appropriate for my life.
My Dad.

"...and here's where my dumbass kid fell in a pile of shit and got up smelling like a Rose......AGAIN."
Morgan Freeman, David Attenborough, or John Cleese (can't decide, sorry), and they'd have to be roasting me the whole time while playing it straight.
Joe Rogan, and I want him to go "OOOOHHH!" every time I fuck up
James Earl Jones

If I can't have Kat Williams as my narrator than I guess this guy will do



I've played around with his voice a bit. Quite a big difference over the years. I think I prefer the earlier voice from Pumping Iron.

Speaking of, here's Larry David doing Arnie's "coming" routine from Pumping Iron -
