If Stipe Miocic beats Jon Jones, do you think he'll defend his belt?

If Stipe Miocic beats Jon Jones, do you think he'll defend his belt?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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If Stipe somehow beats Jones. Do you think he'll man up and defend his belt?

Unification fight with Aspinall.

Apparently Jones is the only fight he wants so he might as well just leave because of all this nonsense. This fight should've happened immediately after Jones/Gane or not at all (if it should have even been made in the first place).
I think yes. It earns him a lot of money and he's already lost several times, been KOed brutally etc. What would he be afraid of to turn down millions of dollars, unless he's just physically done?
I’m calling it now. Other than Stipe retiring if he beats Jones, Jones on the other hand will retire by making an excuse about an injury that he can no longer perform at a high level and will retire if he beats Stipe.
I think that he will retire.
And how bad this would be for the bald goof. I would love it.
I think yes. It earns him a lot of money and he's already lost several times, been KOed brutally etc. What would he be afraid of to turn down millions of dollars, unless he's just physically done?

The fact that he is in his 40s and with the DC and maybe Jones fights ... should have more than enough money to not have to fight again and risk more of his health.

What's more millions to a multi millionaire?
Still a lot of value but diminished value.
I don't think it's possible tbh.. but no, I think he would retire on the spot knowing there are an accolades on the horizon that compare with what that win would mean (Aspinall and Alex are interesting fights but not presently legacy defining in the same way)
The fact that he is in his 40s and with the DC and maybe Jones fights ... should have more than enough money to not have to fight again and risk more of his health.

What's more millions to a multi millionaire?
Still a lot of value but diminished value.
Would imagine if he beats Jon frigging Jones, he'd have confidence in his ability. Early 40s is old but it's not that uncommon that guys in the heavy divisions are great at that age. Glover was a champ at 43, Hopkins in boxing at 47, Randy was relevant well into his 40s too.
When I read this, a fart came out my bottom.
Stipe get's smoked very quickly by Jones, not even a worthwhile hypothetical.
This is what I came to say. And I HATE JONES!!!! It's gonna be really bad for Stipe. It's such a bullsh*t fight. Makes absolutely no sense. Taking this fight and avoiding Aspinall is really a bad look. He really doesn't have anything left to prove. He should just retire instead of wait for an over the hill Stipe. It just looks bad.
I hope so. It's hard to tell because he probably wouldn't have even came back to fight again if he wasn't getting a title shot against Jones specifically. He has even said he would have only came back for Jones or Francis.

That being said, he doesn't have an unbeaten record to protect and he isn't obsessed with legacy and being seen as the GOAT like Jones is so I could see him doing it as long as he is paid handsomely.
No clue. I'm leaning toward retire, but it's tough for some of these guys to let go. That competitive mind set makes it tough to bow out. I guess it depends if he'd rather have a hollywood ending, or another year or two of his life in the the limelight.
I doubt it , what better way to go out than by being the guy to beat Jones

Stipe wants to fight Tom AFTER he gets the belt. dont know why this keeps getting buried.

Because most people have fallen into the assumption that he'll retire and only remember that which confirms the bias, and not refutes it. And also that a lot of people here love to claim any fighter is ducking someone else.