Elections I'm still convinced morals and ethics should weigh strongly in deciding who leads us.

No candidate has morals and ethics. To get anywhere close to the White House, one must be completely compromised.

Anybody that thinks different and their candidate is the only "one" that actually has morals is a retard.
Thought so. Concession accepted.
Who are they going to vote for Kennedy? Good luck with that because I only ever see MAGA people pushing him as an option. And I encourage you and the rest of the cult to vote for TR7MP but what you aren't getting is that it's going to cost you Republican voters.

That second paragraph of yours was all diarrhea.
Who are they going to vote for Kennedy? Good luck with that because I only ever see MAGA people pushing him as an option. And I encourage you and the rest of the cult to vote for TR7MP but what you aren't getting is that it's going to cost you Republican voters.

That second paragraph of yours was all diarrhea.
Yeah, good call just brushing past a question you can't answer.

Great, if republican voters picking the republican candidate is going to cost them republican voters, happy day for you. It's so nice of democrats to switch parties for the primary just because they want a tougher race when they vote for Biden in the general.
That seems to be going way too far. Policy is just so important (though the actual private preferences of the president aren't the same as what can actually be done). For someone like Trump, it could be that his character is so disqualifying that even if he weren't just as terrible on policy, you could justify opposing him, I guess. But "character" is a soft enough category that most people probably just define it in terms of other things (like how people convinced themselves that Gabbard had good character or how Republicans now think Biden is a monster).
I don’t assume I know which policy is best for everyone when roughly half the country disagrees with me. The potus represents all of us. Give me someone who puts the country’s interests above their own, first and foremost. Character is hard to measure, of course, but I do the best I can. When in doubt I default back to policy.
Yeah, good call just brushing past a question you can't answer.

Great, if republican voters picking the republican candidate is going to cost them republican voters, happy day for you. It's so nice of democrats to switch parties for the primary just because they want a tougher race when they vote for Biden in the general.
Your question was stupid. The only one that tried to steal a Presidential election was TR7MP and he's under indictment for it. And just like Democrats aren't going to commit fraud because "literally Hitler" there were key Republicans that pushed back and deflated much of his J6 plans.

Who told you people are switching parties, you do realize some states allow you to choose what primary to vote in, and that TR7MP himself has urged his own voters to use this tactic?

It doesn't matter to you because you aren't a Republican, your just a MAGA cultist, so you aren't looking at the big picture you just want your guy and nobody else.
LOL @ "left leaning independent", after that MSNBC breakdown.
MSNBC is a center-left media org, despite your insistence that everything that isn't espousing explicit naziism must be far-left
People like you don't give a shit. You were calling Desantis a worse version of Trump, when he was merely sniffing some popularity, and presented a potential threat.
DeSantis is a TERRIBLE retail politician. He was like the male Hillary Clinton. No charisma whatsoever. And FYI bud - it isn't libs that destroyed his campaign. It was republicans not voting for him. But that's somehow the left's fault too.
You guys are a joke, thinking anyone believes your bullshit over supporting a non-Trump Republican. Your praise of Liz fucking Cheney is quite telling. She's not a threat, so it's okay to say she's good...even though she supported Trump's agenda for four years. If she ever was a threat though, you'd immediately point to her support of Trump and call her scum.

Y'all are running out of lies.
Cheney voted with the Trump line 95% of the time. Just goes to show that reactionaries like yourself don't actually care about policy. It's all vibes and aesthetics based politics for you.
Your question was stupid. The only one that tried to steal a Presidential election was TR7MP and he's under indictment for it. And just like Democrats aren't going to commit fraud because "literally Hitler" there were key Republicans that pushed back and deflated much of his J6 plans.

Who told you people are switching parties, you do realize some states allow you to choose what primary to vote in, and that TR7MP himself has urged his own voters to use this tactic?

It doesn't matter to you because you aren't a Republican, your just a MAGA cultist, so you aren't looking at the big picture you just want your guy and nobody else.
Democrats doing it themselves are the ones who told me that.

So according to you, the country was a few thousand votes from collapsing into nazi Germany, and everybody with administrative power just sat with their thumb up their ass and said "well the heart wants what it wants" with no obligation to stop it? That's what you're going with?
Democrats doing it themselves are the ones who told me that.

So according to you, the country was a few thousand votes from collapsing into nazi Germany, and everybody with administrative power just sat with their thumb up their ass and said "well the heart wants what it wants" with no obligation to stop it? That's what you're going with?

You can exaggerate all you want but the indictments and the witnesses are real. Let's wait to see what happens between now and the election and if the cases proceed as scheduled.
Democrats doing it themselves are the ones who told me that.

So according to you, the country was a few thousand votes from collapsing into nazi Germany, and everybody with administrative power just sat with their thumb up their ass and said "well the heart wants what it wants" with no obligation to stop it? That's what you're going with?

Just goes to show you, if the Dems thought that if Biden was doing such a great job and they legitimately won in 2020, that they wouldn't have to do shit like this.
trump ran on ending political correctness. I feel the only people that should abide by political correctness are our politicians. I don’t give a shit about what anyone else says. The standards have plummeted. Many that feel that people are living substandard lives are backing a person with no standards.
And believing that old fashioned notion makes me wonder why someone like Liz Cheney has been ostracized and DJT is about to consolidate his hold on the GOP. Let's look at the tale of the tape in this hypothetical match up

Liz Cheney vs Donald Trump


57 vs 77

Conservative background-

Her entire life vs since maybe 2015 give or take


0 vs 2


0 vs 91

Ongoing trials-

0 vs 5 or 6 I’ve lost count

Staffers who have gone to jail or lost millions in lawsuits related to her work-

None that I know of vs A shit ton


1 vs 4

Charge of sexual assault & paying for sex-

0 vs many

Religious faith

United Methodist vs the almighty dollar

Willingness to sacrifice for the greater good?

Seems like it vs no fucking way

Assaults on the capitol caused

0 vs 1

Popular votes lost

0 vs 2

Lies caught in

None that I know of vs 5,000,612 and counting

While I disagree with her politics but would strongly consider voting for a Cheney lead ticket with Haley, Kinzinger, Pence or insert other non-tainted republican over any Trump or Biden led tickets.

Am I nuts? Are there other left leaning independents that would vote for a conservative ticket over Joe at this point?
She supported a phony war in the middle east and has never shown any regret for the genocide in Iraq, brought about by Bush-Cheney.
You’re ok killing hundreds of thousands of people?
You’re ok creating chaos and displacement in the lives of millions of families?
Trump is an asshole, but he’s an absolute angel compared to them.
Morals and ethics my ass.
So scrappy little Peter Navarro is going to be sentenced today.

I'm trying, but failing to do a mental list of all the Trump associates who have been jailed and would greatly appreciate it if someone with a better memory can do it....

Weisselberg (the CFO of Trump guy who's name I probably didn't get right)
and the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Jan 6 rioters too.

Bannon was my personal favorite because he was caught defrauding Trump donors for the We build the wall thing on the yacht of Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui. you just can't make that kind of stuff up.

Trying also to come up with the names of people who's association with has lead them to ruin

Fox losing 800 million to Dominion and now facing Smartmatic's larger suit all of which took out Tucker, Pence, Rudy, our double prize winner of Cohen, and Mike Lindell spring to mind along with the other lawyer list of Syd Powell, Kenny Cheseboro and Jenna Ellis also falling in that list.

Yeah I'm sure I'm missing somethings in this list, and would appreciate it if people went ahead and filed in anything obvious.

Then there is the long list of top GOP people who have spoken out against him-
McConnell, McCarthy, and Graham right after Jan 6 before Kev went to bend the knee.
G W Bush,
Cheney 2x's,
Pence in his own mild wimpy way,
Mo Brooks which makes me laugh my ass off,
Christie (fat turncoat that he is),
the Georgia tag team champions of Kemp & Raffensperger

It really does amaze me with all that attached to him, "cleaner" conservatives like DeSantis, Halley and Pence couldn't lay a glove on him.

Nikki needs to do a full Pro Wrestling call out poking at his manhood to get him on the debate stage. It is her last hope

So yeah I really do believe that character and ethics should play a part in who BOTH sides choose......

And with that said, this seems to be the worst two choices in the history of american politics.
They say the best way to judge a man is by his friends

Jeff Epstein & Co.
Dana White
Vince McMahon
Matt Gaetz
Rudy G
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jim Jordan
Lauren Boebert

All of them tied up in infidelity and/or sexual scandals or abuse allegations

Why is no other republican worthy?

I long for a simpler time, when we were content to just sit with a blade of grass between our teeth listening to the radio as Dizzy Dean pitched another gem for the gashouse gang.
Yeah that's just what America needs, another Cheney with access to the levers of power.
These are things politicians regularly pretend to have to gain power, and both are easily faked.
No candidate has morals and ethics. To get anywhere close to the White House, one must be completely compromised.

Anybody that thinks different and their candidate is the only "one" that actually has morals is a retard.
what about JImmy Carter?