Is Conor McGregors Billionaire Strut The Most Manliest way to travel?

Conor's Millionaire strut is as second rate as it gets.

He does hope to be Vinny Mac one day

When ya nuts so big, you gotta bend your knees just to carry em...

I don't know. Khabib looked pretty manly when he backpacked his way across Ireland.
Never gon see him strut like dat again.

He gettin back to his roots.

He looks ridiculous just like that fucking tattoo on his chest.
Definitely. Vince McMahon and all those guys wouldn't have copied the McGregor walk otherwise.
There is nothing original about Conor I'm afraid. He's copied absolutey everything from others. Most his supporters can't seem to see that. His cliches and one liner put downs are copied from other idiots.

Yes, but don't forget that Conor's fans are 10 year old... so they don't know the other idiots..