Opinion Is Donald Trump the worst president ever?

Is he?

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Here's a poll from 2018. https://scri.siena.edu/2019/02/13/sienas-6th-presidential-expert-poll-1982-2018/ Only presidents worse than him were Buchanan and Johnson. Apparently because Trump scored high in luck and willing to take risks? His overall ability was ranked the lowest. Every other category he's at or near the bottom of. Dead last in intelligence looool!

Siena College Research Institute, Presidential Expert Poll of 2018:

Background 43
Imagination 40
Integrity 44
Intelligence 44
Luck 10
Willing to take risks 25
Ability to compromise 42
Executive ability 41
Leadership ability 42
Communication ability 43
Overall ability 44
Party leadership 43
Relations with Congress 42
Court appointments 40
Handling of economy 39
Executive appointments 44
Domestic accomplishments 40
Foreign policy accomplishments 42
Avoid crucial mistakes 41
Experts' view 42
Overall 42
As a guy that lives down the street from a military hospital for the last 15+ years, and gets to see what the wars of the Bush/Obama Era have turned out, I assure you that you're reacting mostly based on emotion and not logic. I'm certainly not pleased with alot over the last year as to what he's done, but it made no difference to many.

He was reviled before he even got elected; my guess is that we have so many weak and cowardly people that seeing a brazen dude - regardless of his policies - creates a visceral reaction in alot of people, as we now have at least one generation with simultaneously large and delicate egos. Alot of unhappy people that were raised to think that they were special (social media - where everyone has a voice - has much to do with this), life then proceeds to kick them in the ass and bring them down to reality, are angry at anyone that actually accomplishes anything or demonstrating a shred of self-confidence.

He wasn't my ideal candidate, but I have no idea why anyone would vote for a "more of the same" candidate when prior to Trump everyone complained about entrenched politicians and the Elite political class. Just my take...
You mistake bragging and bluster for something like toughness or competence? Lol. “Simultaneously large and delicate ego” sounds like it describes Trump to a T if you ask me.

It seems only in politics is experience believed to be a bad thing.

Anyway, I really hoped people had learned their lesson from GWB that electing a moron to president just because you like his personality more than the other guy was a mistake. Seems that even after Trump some people still haven’t learned the lesson.
History will not look on him kindly, needless to say.
I mean on paper probably not . The economy (however truly volatile and inflated it was well never know) was decent. If you throw in the optics and the lack of class,especially with the way he went out its hard to argue against him being the worst president.
He's too stupid to be the worst.

That may not sound like it makes sense, but it does.

But he is very close to the bottom.

He's by far the biggest liar we've ever had.

He is by far the stupidest, and his supporters are overwhelmingly the stupidest people out there. It's kind of a miracle I survived this forum with the copious amount of stupidity being exhibited on a daily basis as people try to defend the clown or lionize him as some sort of an all time great President.

It really legitimizes the thought that there is such a thing as too much democracy, and the image of democracy is more important than democracy itself. The problem with the lowest common denominator is that it appeals to a LOT of people; a lot of dumb as fuck people. Talking about how other people are mentally ill why swinging from the nuts of this obvious con man and narcissist.
Funny how some people can name 2, 3 or even 4 things Trump did right according to them.
That would seem a very low bar for a president of the so called no1 country.
I know you people can do better then Trump.
I`m not american but I think that even with all the wars you had you have never been this divided.
didn't start a single new war. absolute disgrace. worst by far.

I'm tired of this narrative. Trump is a monster who actually increased drone strikes.


Oh and he gets away with it because of this


Twitter actually saved Trump from even more criticism. He is so obnoxious on there that people forget how awful he was in other ways.
It's not enough to just pretend to be anti-establishment. Trump didn't actually do anything to change the system in a positive direction. He didn't drain the swamp. He didn't end any wars. He drove up the deficit and increased military spending. He made the corporate elite a lot of money in 4 years. He helped the establishment Republicans take over the judicial system with anti-working class judges.

The only thing he actually changed is the discourse. He made lying and spreading propaganda second nature. He made conspiracy theories mainstream. He radicalized a large portion of his base. These are not good things.
Well said. When Trump was running for president back in 2015 I liked the idea behind him and what he said he was going to do. The only problem is he didn’t seem to do any of it. He had some of most suspect cabinet members and agency leaders I have ever seen who were most definitely part of the swamp enriching themselves off government service.

He boasted about enacting populist policies back when he was running for president but all we got was the typical republican playbook of huge tax cuts for the rich/corporations and more trickle down economics which is definitely not a populist policy. He didn’t start any new wars so I will give him that.
Trump is the personification of the word buffoon. There’s been bad presidents in the past, but at least they weren’t walking jokes. Trump will go down as the most unintentional hilarious joke that the US has ever produced.
You mistake bragging and bluster for something like toughness or competence? Lol. “Simultaneously large and delicate ego” sounds like it describes Trump to a T if you ask me.

It seems only in politics is experience believed to be a bad thing.

Anyway, I really hoped people had learned their lesson from GWB that electing a moron to president just because you like his personality more than the other guy was a mistake. Seems that even after Trump some people still haven’t learned the lesson.

I'm re-reading what you quoted and I don't see where I said Trump was tough or even competent. If you want to discuss something fine, but don't strawman and put words in my mouth, it makes it seem as if a reasonable discussion is out of the realm of your capability...

As for describing Trump, I agree....
Slavery still exists in the American prison system.
This is a massively false equivalency and it's disingenuous. If you want to look at something replicating the slavery of American History, go to Africa, they seem to have a penchant for it.
He’s easily the worst since Andrew Johnson, even. Way worse than Nixon.
Nixon was bad because he'd lied about his reelection committee doing nefarious things.

Otherwise he was actually a good president.
The worst president ever for leftist twerps. That toe the globalist agenda, and want to keep destroying their country/culture and feed communism in the name of progress. While also smearing others who don't agree as bigots.

But he's the best president ever for patriots/nationalists who want to see a deeper sense of pride instilled in their country. Their 1st and 2nd amendment rights not effed with among other things. That want their country to do well for them, focuses on their families and their futures. Over say illegal immigrants.

A lot of the younger crowd seems to confuse feelings with actual policy. Trump is not going to go down as a great, but he's far from the worst. Some things that I thought he got right were...

He overhauled the V.A. and extended benefits
Made it so we are more energy independent which kept gas prices down
Kept our soldiers boots off the ground in the Middle East
Got rid of NAFTA
Stood up to China and the United Nations

I don't see how anybody that was an adult under George H. W. Bush can say that Trump was worse.
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A lot of the younger crowd seems to confuse feelings with actual policy. Trump is not going to go down as a great, but he's far from the worst. Some things that thought he got right imo were...

He overhauled the V.A. and extended benefits
Made it so we are energy independent which kept gas prices down
Kept our soldiers boots off the ground in the Middle East
Got rid of NAFTA
Stood up to China and the United Nations

I don't see how anybody that was an adult under George H. W. Bush can say that Trump was worse.
He did basically none o those things.
Yes, by a significant margin.

If he has accepted his loss like a grown-up it would be debatable.
Lol. A Canadian replying. No wars and the best economy we have seen. Spoke out for 1st and 2nd amendment rights. Exposed a lot of bullshit that goes on in politics. Sure, he must be the worst.
Probably. Certainly in my lifetime and I remember Nixon.