Social Is Joe Rogan a menace to public health? Megathread

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Maybe he's afraid of the response. Something changed, didn't used to be. Staring into the distance, self reflecting. You're right, well into his 40's said the most outlandish shit.

"It's not my word to use"

You can't get any cucker than this. Now words have ownership.

Man, not trying to offend anyone, but you americans can be retarded as fuck. In my country there are no forbidden words.
No biggie, Joe Rogan will survive. But his show is gonna suck even more now. The dude is gonna go all soft on us now to keep his bank rollin
The bastion of free speech apologizing because he said a word...Joe now believes that there are forbidden words, regardless of the context. You just can't say them. Does he also believe you can't make jokes about certain things? Make fun of this, don't make fun of that. Just another slave of the system. Libtards finally made him dance to their tune. Tarantino is actually more of a man than JR. He has been called on it numerous times and didn't give a fuck, while Rogan just put his tail between his legs.

"It's not my word to use. I'm well aware of that now"

Oh, are you? Have you received the proper training now? Well, it did take you 50 years, but now you finally agree with the mantra that you can only use certain words if you're black. They own it. You're their bitch, bitch. Be a good bitch. Apologize. They can say whatever you want, but you gotta apologize. There is no word a black man can't say. But you're a shameful white boy. You can only use certrain words. When are going to apologize for being white, Joe?

Rogan hasn't said the N word in years. If he was cucked, it happened a long time ago. Probably before you started watching him.
I think it's the opposite. The issues and policies are the biggest problem. I think a lot of people are friends with people who vote differently than them. I can treat them well and they can treat me well in everyday life.

What is happening now is due to policy and issues. It's the mandates of vaccines and masks and people being forced to lose jobs. It's loss of freedom and the current administration's war on free speech by pushing corporate America to cancel culture anyone who wants to debate leftist ideas and leftist issues.

if those issues you think are so important take precedence over and above the genuine love of your brother and sister then it becomes idolatry. i will not allow that into my heart. nothing can or should come before the love of fellow children of god.

thats the point i am making. first love god and then love neighbor as oneself. too many are losing sight of that and it is evil.
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I think Joe is pretty idiotic for the most part, but this issue is even dumber. So he can't use the word in a sentence like 'using the word ni**** is bad'. This is so dumb. And this person complaining about the spotify pay and asking to be taken, just end your contract lol. Plenty of artists are not on spotify. Rogan refused to sign with Spotify for years because he wasn't happy the contract. Every artist has the same option.
He should not have apologized for either the covid stuff or saying the n-word. I can't stand him but he's a comedian speaking with people on a podcast, not a f-n prime minister or an educater. If he gets canned from Spotify he can simply go to another platform
Rogan was in the rare position that he could've made the same amount just by staying on youtube and getting active sponsors. JRE used to be sponsored by anything from coconut water to fleshlights in its early years. He could've got blue chip sponsors and maybe spinoff another podcast about archery or something.
Hard to say. Not sure what kind of sponsors he pulls recently, or what his figures were during youtube, but I'd be really surprised if he could pull those dollars pre-Spotify.

Seems like a big part of this is Spotify gambling on JRE to get their platform into the podcast market. They really only have themselves to blame for the backfire.
Apologizing to the left for anything is just an admission of guilt. They'll see that you're weak and eat you alive afterwards.
i actually really respect him for both statements he has made about all of this. i am even defending him against my fellow lefties. dont be so sure about how we will react to genuine apologies.
He should've never taken the Spotify deal. He could've said everything he said on yt and wouldn't nearly get the shit he got in the past few months.
I don't think that's true. YouTube has literally been taking down videos that they deem contain COVID "misinformation". Several of Rogan's podcasts over the last few months would have been removed from the platform if he had remained on YouTube. He switched over to Spotify at the correct time.
Joe tries way too hard to be neutral. He bends the knee easily for people who don’t care about apologies.
The difference is that the left is dominant in the relevant bureaucracies and professional fields. Higher ed administration, HR staff, public school teachers and administrators, journalists, tech companies, pretty much all of them lean left. So when they draw their red lines and police social interactions, they're doing so on average more so from a left POV.

The right wants to resist this because they don't like the newfound cultural dominance that the left has achieved through its so called "long march" through the institutions combined with recent mass mobilization. But they're trying to do so in a clunky, top down way that actually is closer to proper censorship and the chilling of speech by the government with these anti-CRT and anti-protest bills.

You might find this interesting. Many here would dismiss it as liberal propaganda if they bothered to read it at all, and maybe they'd even be right, but it's an interesting read.

From that progressive beacon, Mississippi.

Inside Mississippi’s only class on critical race theory
The bastion of free speech apologizing because he said a word...Joe now believes that there are forbidden words, regardless of the context. You just can't say them. Does he also believe you can't make jokes about certain things? Make fun of this, don't make fun of that. Just another slave of the system. Libtards finally made him dance to their tune. Tarantino is actually more of a man than JR. He has been called on it numerous times and didn't give a fuck, while Rogan just put his tail between his legs.

"It's not my word to use. I'm well aware of that now"

Oh, are you? Have you received the proper training now? Well, it did take you 50 years, but now you finally agree with the mantra that you can only use certain words if you're black. They own it. You're their bitch, bitch. Be a good bitch. Apologize. They can say whatever you want, but you gotta apologize. There is no word a black man can't say. But you're a shameful white boy. You can only use certrain words. When are going to apologize for being white, Joe?
hi there racist