Is There Any MMA Fighter Who Managed Their Career Better Than DC?

Lee Murray had a flawless career in the UFC. Known for being lighter weight, but still ko'd Tito (the LHW champ at the time.

He shows up, goes undefeated in 1 fight, calls out Tito, then....because Dana won't pay fighters what they deserve, Lee robbed a massive amount of money from a bank.
It’s all subjective but DJ’s career is worthy of respect imo. UFC & One champ, holds a ton of records & awards, arguably goat, avoids fighter beefs, no peds, found an mma org that appreciates him & pays ok, avoided excessive damage, proud self described “geek” doesn’t gaf what you think, successful twitch streamer, on the board of tech companies & a seemingly happy family man.

Dude did ok

lost whenever he tried to move up in weight
def not goat
He missed weight but managed to fool the officials with towelgate. If he had managed his career perfectly he would have been a middleweight in shape and in shape.
No chance he makes middleweight healthily.
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DCs career was because Jones got in a car accident. He didn't "manage it" if Jones doesn't get in a car accident DC never wins any title and he retires shortly thereafter.
HW?? At one point he eventually moves, specially with Jones ruling LHW.
HW?? At one point he eventually moves, specially with Jones ruling LHW.

DC got the title shot at HW because he was the champ at LHW. Without that belt thats not happening. Also it took him like an additional 3 years to get the HW shot. He'd be gone by then.
Khabib's career was perfect. Undefeated, LW champ with successful defenses, and not much damage taken. He's not in the mount rushmore of MMA for me but he still has a perfect managed career. Handled his businesses well, has a gym and few partnerships. I believe he's quite rich now as well.
Of course he could. He's a 5'9 fat ass who never got into shape and never tried a decent diet. Even cutting to 205 he did the bare minimum. Food intake matters.

All that is true but I seriously doubt he'd be nearly as effective.
He was so effective at HW because he had the speed advantage, and he wouldn't have that at MW.
Dc had a great run overall for his career, he was an Olympian, and multi organization champion, and transitioned to a productive career outside of competition.

Gsp probably has the best run, he avenged every loss and went out on top of his division, he even came back to beat the champion above his weight class. He seems to be enjoying his health and life beyond MMA.
Khabib's career was perfect. Undefeated, LW champ with successful defenses, and not much damage taken. He's not in the mount rushmore of MMA for me but he still has a perfect managed career. Handled his businesses well, has a gym and few partnerships. I believe he's quite rich now as well.
I almost forgot about him. He was undeniably dominant, and only showed a few moments of weakness. He seems to lead a fulfilling life beyond MMA, and has been able to enrich his family and community with the success from his MMA career. That's a great run in my book.
Of course he could. He's a 5'9 fat ass who never got into shape and never tried a decent diet. Even cutting to 205 he did the bare minimum. Food intake matters.
Ridiculous. He hospitalized himself cutting less weight when he was in the Olympics. He’d die before he made 186.
I don't know if anyone on sherdog ever considered him one of the best to ever do it other than Cormier himself.

Also, to me, it looked like Cormier just got the push from UFC from the get go, not that it was based on the merit.

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