I've never seen the Godfather or LOTR trilogies

Ignorance is not bliss in this situation. What do you have to lose by watching these movies other than a few hours of your life? If you think you get some sort of badge of honor for not knowing what you're talking about in this situation? You really don't. If you don't end up liking them than whatever I couldn't care less what someone like or dislikes. At least be able to reference why you don't like something. All you're really saying by making statements like this is your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. I avoided watching the movie Titanic for years but when I finally watched it the movie wasn't some horrible experience I had built up in my mind. You're going to avoid something that might be a movie that is referenced in multiple other movies just because you're too lazy or scared to watch something? If at the end of the day you don't care about them then at least you know why you didn't like them.
That's fine, at least if you do watch it for the first time. Let us know how you felt, it's quite an experience watching something great like The Godfather for the first time. LOTR not so much. I didn't think those movies were that great, maybe I have to rewatch it's been awhile.
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If you ever thought hiking should be a spectator sport, LOTR is for you.
To be fair I think that does actually sum up a lot of the appeal of LOTR even for people who might not otherwise be big fantasy fans. You have a grand heroic fantasy setting BUT the way its delt with is deliberately mundane with the more supernatural elements played in a more subtle fashion. A lot of it consists of slow travel though a landscape were you have hints at its deeper history.
Just watch Rings of Power and Griselda, both are much better than LOTR and the Godfather
I tried to not watch the lord of the rings just not into that stuff. I ended up watching most of the movies due to the kids insistence. The God father seems impossible not to watch since its always on.
I've only seen the first God Father. I started the second one but it started with some back flash in Italy and just killed my interest in wanting to continue watching it. I've seen all of LOTR and I wish I could get my time back. Some of the worst movies I've ever seen.
This thread screams "give me attention!"
That's just insane to me. Godfather 1/2 and LOTR IIII are probably in the top 10 films of all-time. If you are in your twenties or something like that, I'd get it. Anyone over 30 who hasn't though...what the heck?
Lord of the Rings, top 10 film of all-time? Beat it nerd.
I don't know The Godfather either. I only seen small clips on it when I was a little kid. It just seemed boring as hell to me. I wanted to go watch Pirates of Dark Water instead.
I'm a cinephile and have yet to see GF. I've built it up in my head over the years and just haven't pulled the trigger yet.
I've never seen these films either! And, have no intention too.
Never watched The Sopranos either. Nor Game of Thrones.
Haven't been to the cinema in over 20yrs, most Hollywood films are boring.
I am not a sheep!!! Baa-a.[oops.]
I have never even watched a movies!!!! Or television. I’m fact, I have never even seen a real televisions!! I only read ancient manuscripts for entertainment.
Never seen Harry Potter

We all have something
godfather is fun
never got into these lord thingis