Social Jason Aldean accused of a pro-lynching song/music video

It's selective attention. They assign nefarious intent to Aldean's lyrics and music video because it's part of their narrative. For years now, they've made fantastic leaps in logic to point out the racism in something where it doesn't apply. There is a shitload of music that is more egregious in it's glorification of violence, but the left doesn't want to touch those. "Different culture, hard to judge." says the same people complaining about "culture war stuff" any time they're not in complete control of it.
I agree with this. Look at Snoop Dogg. Gang Member. Drug dealer. Accused of murder. Numerous anti cop lyrics including talking about killing them. And this dude is on Corona Commerical, hosting shows and doing things with Martha Stewart. We have a song performed at the Grammys called Wet Ass Pussy. But let's go after a guy that feel the way the majority of Americans do when it comes to the crimes and riots perpetuated on society in the last few years.
Let's say you're right. If he was bold enough to make a music video in front of the building knowing it's history, why wouldn't he be bold enough to admit it? Doesn't really make a lot of sense. Also, none of you knew about the lynching there until the media reported it. Now you act like it was common knowledge like Emmit Till or something. It wasn't, and vague wishful thinking is the only thing that's connecting the "racism" in the song to the building.
It's sad that you have more words in your post backing it up that how horrid it is. And very telling.
How does it show the absurdity of the sentiment behind the song? The lynching happened in 1927 and I'd wager that less than 1% of the people that have read about the controversy knew anything about the death of Henry Choate.

Do you think you can drag a black man through that town today and lynch him in public without the very repercussions Aldean is speaking of? Nothing has changed since 1927 in that "small town"?
This is it. It's pretty much a fuck off BLM this is what would happen because it's what happened your back.
I agree with this. Look at Snoop Dogg. Gang Member. Drug dealer. Accused of murder. Numerous anti cop lyrics including talking about killing them. And this dude is on Corona Commerical, hosting shows and doing things with Martha Stewart. We have a song performed at the Grammys called Wet Ass Pussy. But let's go after a guy that feel the way the majority of Americans do when it comes to the crimes and riots perpetuated on society in the last few years.
The left is a cancer. They want children singing wet ass pussy while they burn down cities and demand more government to give them marching orders. Every Democrat today has eerie parallels to the Nazis, and not just because they are inherently racist
This thread and the reaction to this song shows why the race card means nothing now.

The left uses it in any and all disagreements no matter how stupid. They believe it's should end all disagreements with their views. Which is why when it's used now people just shurg their shoulders and pay no attention to it. Unfortunately it affects real cases of racism.
I'm from the UK so this guy, and country music in general, don't make it over here. I literally had read the lyrics on Google. Yeah.....there's definite "cum try that in my neck o'the woods boi" vibes there. Very clearly. But those same vibes are reflected in shitloads of hip hop too, in reverse. Surprise surprise, tribal people can get a bit mouthy when it comes to something they don't like about society. Goes both ways. Also those riots that have very clearly affected man......were largely being carried out by social misfit white middle class in many cities. Doesn't have to be a racial connotation just a "cunt" connotation.

I'm from a very small town in the UK. if that stuff happened in that town, there's certainly be a bunch of "good ol boys" (IE - thuggish older blokes who've never left the town) swinging the hammer. To protect the only thing they have, the town itself. Sad? Absolutely. Understandable? Absolutely. For the very same reason, the proper ghetto gangstas in the States came out to stop it happening to their neighbourhoods.
The left is a cancer. They want children singing wet ass pussy while they burn down cities and demand more government to give them marching orders. Every Democrat today has eerie parallels to the Nazis, and not just because they are inherently racist
I agree, but would say progressive left. Isn't it amazing how the anti-fascists took up fascism. Brilliant tactics too....disagree with them and they call you bigot or racist. Both hot button words. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
Sorry for this necro-bump, but this is a good video and contains a very good interview with the artist.
