Jiri admits Reyes KO him in the fight.

Sucks for Reyes. If that's true, then Reyes should have won the fight. Getting "flashed", is getting KOed.
Um no. Fight is stopped when a fighter cant defend himself. A flash KO is just a flash KO.
No it doesn't. There's a difference between losing your equalibrium and losing consciousness. It's part of the reason we have TKOs and KOs. One is out, the other is "technically" out.

As far as I can tell, there's no amount of acceptable sleeping in the octagon. Like of you are only taking a one second nap it's OK, but at 3 seconds we call it.

I get that it happens, I get that refs aren't perfect, and guys can bounce back from getting flashed just fine.

But if fights are supposed to end when someone gets knocked out, they should end when someone gets knocked out. If it's the KO plus 2 seconds, I don't love that, but fine, that's the rule. But it should be applied equally and competantly.
He got hurt and landed in side control and continued to fight. That is not a KO and no ref would have stopped that fight because you cant prove it was a knock out. It may very well been a flash KO but you cant prove it because it was too fast and he landed in a advantage position.

A fight is stopped when a fighter cant defend himself anymore. That is the rule. Period.
Awesome admission after the fact. It's too bad not a single dumbass ufc broadcast member asked him that in the post fight interviews

Probably no one noticed it then. At a glance, it looks like he gets kicked, so he drops down to side control to avoid getting kicked again. He starts working as soon as he lands on Reyes, and unless you're looking for the flash KO specifically, it's very easy to miss.
Do fights not end when one guy is rendered unconscious?

No, they’re ended when someone can’t intelligently defend themselves. A flash KO or knockdown that sees someone subsequently defending themselves during the follow up means the fight continues
why do you keep feeding the trolls or the casuals who dont know what they are talking about?
Based on the video evidence its clear reyes won the fight. thats why he took a nap , because he knew the fight was over after that upkick. I also think jiri should go to prison for the assault after the fight was over or immediately released from the ufc
Which to me means he needs to be careful about getting hit.

The cardio enabled chin will stand the test of time better than most. The genetic chin eventually cracks.

Jiri seems to be a smart guy. I expected lots of entertainment and I also expect some intriguing evolution of his game. His high pressure attack combined with a slight adjustment of angles, timing, feints could be just as destructive while saving him a bit of avoidable damage.
Biggest change he needs to avoid unnecessary damage is to calm the fuck down when he hurts a guy. As soon as he rocks his opponent he runs into punches.
I dont know if some of you guys are trolling or are Just stupid. Like some said: Flash ko = getting dropped in many cases.
Imagine stopping a fight when someone is in side control advancing position.
There realy is nothing to argue about.

Happy to know that I'm not alone, how somebody can be that stupid to think that the referee should have stopped the fight?
Biggest change he needs to avoid unnecessary damage is to calm the fuck down when he hurts a guy. As soon as he rocks his opponent he runs into punches.

Pick his shots. He can find the KOs without taking the unneeded risk while blitzing in.
I don't think that conflicts with anything I've stated.

A fighter who is asleep (due to strikes) is completely incapable of inteligent defense until he wakes up.
The ref didn't stop it while he was knocked out.
That is unfortunate for Reyes.
There is no exception for taking small naps in the cage.

That the ref didn't do his job quickly or effectively doesn't mean he shouldn't have.

If Jiri was out, which Jiri says he was, the ref should have stopped it. That sucks for Reyes that it didn't happen. All still accurate.

So do you think Chandler should have been declared the winner? Oliviera was out for a moment, his face hit the canvas after the punch he took while already on his knees. But he woke right back up and was and to defend himself with that head movement on the ground and then get to his back to use his guard.
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So do you think Chandler should have been declared the winner? Oliviera was out for a moment, his face hit the canvas after the punch he took while already on his knees. But he woke right back up and was and to defend himself with that head movement on the ground and then get to his back to use his guard.

IDK, did his face plant because he was over extended when his equalibrium gave out, or was he knocked unconscious? I'm really not qualified to say. To the best of my knowledge, the ref isn't saying Olivera was unconscious, and Olivera isn't saying he was knocked out. So I guess not.

Jiri is on the record saying he was unconscious. I'm taking him at his word.

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