Economy Joe Rogan not so hot on UBI anymore after buddy's restaurant venture struggles

OR, most workplaces as structured are mind-numbing, hierarchical shitholes and people would avoid them given the least bit of economic freedom.

Maybe if workplaces were structured in a manner more congenial to the average person's spirit, people would enjoy coming to work.

Enter the coop and worker-managed businesses.
Good response. As expected though, the guy you were answering to kept rambling about "lazy generations" and "hard work".

It's utterly comical in a sad way, the lengths that some people will go, to justify their own employers making working conditions worse in order to press even more profit from them via what is for the most part labor where one creates (far) more value than one is compensated with.
Socialism is nice in theory, but doesn't work out as well in real life.

Look at all the government money printed during covid, now we are paying for it with inflation.
But there's also been terrific economic growth, and the alternative was a long recession. Inflation is not the endbringer of prosperity in as simple terms as you present it.
It's an inevitability once most "work" becomes automated or we truly and completely become the haves and the have nots, the slaves and the masters unwilling (unable) to take care of ourselves... there are so many problems with UBI to the point that it will not work and will cause so many issues. Those who "govern" have no integrity and will never properly implement or manage it as every system, even those with proper planning and intent become corrupt and too complicated to meaningfully address.

Perhaps the UBI is basic welfare, the acceptance of always being controlled and kept at the lowest of plateaus unless one wants more where they then have to prove their worth (now known as working). Maybe it's working or volunteering or learning skills or trades to increase their "income" but all this assumes trust in some governance to objectively govern... robots and virtual "existence" are the future and it's gunna get messy...