Media Joe Rogan UFC vs Boxing - Remember this?

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Wrong how?
Talking about how boxing was getting swallowed and making it seem like boxing was on a steep decline and would not be relevant in the near future. Even that shit about saying how useless head movement and defense was in mma didn't age well. That was some shit a lot of old mma guys really thought was true because nobody with good head movement had ever fought in mma. After this you saw guys like Anderson Silva and many others using very slick head and upper body movement as part of their defense, and they use it effectively.
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Mma is my favorite but I fucking love boxing. If you don't like boxing and kickboxing also you are just a big sissy in my opinion and can't really call yourself a fight fan. Pretty much willfully ignorant about fighting history.
“They get into leglocks and start rolling around on the ground”

Joe won the battle but Lou won the war...

In 2007/2008, Dana was saying that "Boxing is dying!"

Fast forward a decade later and you see MMA fighters going to boxing for a payday and not the other way around. Boxing fans are much more loyal and stronger fan base. There is greater level of respect between boxers. Don't get me wrong, MMA scene in the 90s/2000s had beautiful moment of friendship and soul searching because it was not about the money but it had that Fight Club feel to it. No one got in to MMA to blow up on social media, they did it because they loved the nature of fighting which was blissful to them.

But now its filled with attention whoring socially awkward losers who consistently say stupid weird shit or bunch of tryhards. The real OGs are out of the game. They fought with pride and passion as well as innovation. Modern run of the mill MMA fighters= kickboxers with takedown defense and you get the occasional great wrestler.

Boxing is still the same. Poor people who don't have 350 dollars a month to learn multiple martial arts and instead they focus on becoming great at one thing so they can get a payday and move up in the world.
I like boxing as well but I think that hardcore boxing fans overestimate how knowledgeable the general public is on boxing. The general public would have trouble naming a boxer other than Tyson Fury.
I like boxing as well but I think that hardcore boxing fans overestimate how knowledgeable the general public is on boxing. The general public would have trouble naming a boxer other than Tyson Fury.

Tyson Fury is not the most famous boxer or probably even top 3 now, so I think plenty would be able to name one other than Tyson Fury.
Tyson Fury is not the most famous boxer or probably even top 3 now, so I think plenty would be able to name one other than Tyson Fury.
I was thinking among the boxers who are active or recently active. Otherwise people would most likely say Mike Tyson or Ali.
Didn't watch but Rogaine is consistently wrong and hyperbolic about nearly everything he speaks on so I'm voting for the other guy
definitely remember that. joe was such a savage back then, he's chilled so much over the years.

he was right about the sport being incomplete, but wrong about it's future. boxing's produced more stars and it's derivative like bare knuckle has it's own popular thing.
Its a complete quess on my part. But considering the olympic status and large amateur pools Id imagine it still is quite a difference.

If someone has different factual information I will gladly admit that Im wrong.

I don't know the actual numbers either, but that is an excellent point I have never heard before. The Olympic aspect likely drives kids all over the world to see boxing as a path out of pretty hopeless situations that I don't think MMA really offers today.

It also makes me think about how boxing has been around a long time and hasn't fundamentally changed so when kids start training boxing at 7 years old that translates to the professional level of the sport as they get old enough, but the same cannot be said for MMA. If a kid started training to be a UFC fighter 20 years ago before Ryan Garcia even started boxing, it wouldn't translate very well to UFC level success today because of how much the sport keeps changing.
Didn't watch but Rogaine is consistently wrong and hyperbolic about nearly everything he speaks on so I'm voting for the other guy
I don't think that's true. My problem is he does contradict himself alot...

But if I was high and had to talk as much as he does for a living I might do the same
I like boxing as well but I think that hardcore boxing fans overestimate how knowledgeable the general public is on boxing. The general public would have trouble naming a boxer other than Tyson Fury.
Boxing probably has a higher number of casual fans than MMA does. Go to a big boxing match and you'll see more people who just look at it almost like another sporting event. More celebrities, more groupies and other casuals. Where with MMA it's more just a sausage fest of dudes, some hardcore some casual. Boxing is also pretty divided on demographics. Everybody everywhere who knows anything about boxing will know canelo, but a Mexican or Mexican American casual won't know who AJ or fury are but they will know who Ryan Garcia is and vise versa. Black casual fans will know guys like tank, Spence or Crawford but not some of the other names I previously mentioned. I think with MMA, it's probably more popular with younger white male population and maybe young white female population in the US, and so people on here and in other places see that but don't realize that pretty much every other demographic pays more attention to boxing than it does mma
Boxing probably has a higher number of casual fans than MMA does. Go to a big boxing match and you'll see more people who just look at it almost like another sporting event. More celebrities, more groupies and other casuals. Where with MMA it's more just a sausage fest of dudes, some hardcore some casual. Boxing is also pretty divided on demographics. Everybody everywhere who knows anything about boxing will know canelo, but a Mexican or Mexican American casual won't know who AJ or fury are but they will know who Ryan Garcia is and vise versa. Black casual fans will know guys like tank, Spence or Crawford but not some of the other names I previously mentioned. I think with MMA, it's probably more popular with younger white male population and maybe young white female population in the US, and so people on here and in other places see that but don't realize that pretty much every other demographic pays more attention to boxing than it does mma
Boxing events isn't a "sausage fest of dudes"?
You see way more chicks, including hot chicks at big time boxing events than you will see at any MMA event. They don't really understand what they are watching and get bored easy but that's besides the point
Uh huh.
Younger Joe seems smarter than older Joe

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