Media Joe Rogan working as a commentator..

Lol. You haven’t proven me wrong, that’s the thing. Minor withdrawal symptoms doesn’t equal physical addiction. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. And I was drug addict, lol. So I know what true physical addiction will do to your body.
why should we believe a fucking junkie?
I saw nothing at 2:49 to indicate that he was high. What am I missing?

edit: OK, leg kick while Irvin is getting his face smashed in.
Tito could be on the mic and I still wouldn’t care at all as long as the fights are great. I’ve watched events in russian and still had a blast.
LMAO this is literally one of my friends summed up in one picture. Don't dare say anything bad agianst the magic erb or he get mad.
Sounds like caffeine withdrawal. Guess I'm double fucked.

All #1 bullshyt has no affects take it from someone who smoked for 20 years talking 15 or 20 blunts a day smoking and in SoCal not some trash weed from some crazy place sherbro
it is addictive. physically and mentally. ask any long time user thats tried to quit. anybody that says it isnt is full of shit.

that being said, it has benefits in small controlled mod

I spent years as a teenager/early twenties smoking bud pretty heavily. At worst, I would get a bit of insomnia when I quit. Maybe a little moody. I kind of assumed at the time that this was physical withdrawal.

I then picked up a nasty benzo and opiate addiction following a back injury a few years ago. Holy shit, you will never consider weed physically addictive once you've been hooked on actually physically dependent drugs. Trust me, I did the research haha
LOL at cold sweats from weed withdrawal.

The only time that I ever experienced anything like that was during alcohol withdrawal after drinking for 10 days straight during a trip to Cabo.

I was vaping high potency extracts for six weeks straight after knee surgery last year, and had no problem quitting when I had to travel back to Texas to see my mother.

I haven't smoked for over a year at this point but I used to smoke daily. Only time I didn't smoke was during work time, other than that I was ripping the bong.

Every time I quit cold turkey to have a period off the weed I always spent at least 2-3 days in a row waking up multiple times in the night absolutely soaked in sweat. We're talking having to change everything in the bed multiple times.

I have several friends who also experienced the very same thing.

That said, going cold turkey on weed after months of daily use is easy af (at least for me) It's just the annoying part of being drenched in sweat for the first days.
i always wonder how he comments live while high on weed?

does he eats edibles or takes thc? the only times i've seen him high af with a huge joint was in his podcast.