John Berardi Vegetarian?

It's great to see you posting here John. This forum is the reason why I bought Precision Nutrition. Thanks for your excellent resources.
Would it be accurate to say that vegetarianism brought John Berardi to Sherdog? : )
Vegetarian is the old Native American term for "lousy hunter."
wow, with all the high level guys posting here D & S is definitely on the way up...very cool with JB, Dave Barr, and Alan Aragon all posting here
Hey guys, I just posted the results from my vegetarian experiment:
Precision Nutrition The Sexiest Vegetarian

Up 4.9lbs lean and 2.1 lbs of fat. All the data and pics have been posted in the link above. Enjoy.

Just read it. I found it interesting, including section devoted to lectins and how scientific John took his approach in general.

That said, I spent an equal amount of time judging the Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door.

Brook and Sheena, I'm talking about you :icon_chee
B0rt is a law student. He understands logic fine, I'm sure. You should probably just quit while you're ahead.

Not referring to B0rt but just because someone is a law student does not make them intelligent. I met a lot of dumb law students that can't do basic math. Yes a live with a Nevada bar certified attorney and lived with her through law school and sometimes her logic skills are lacking lol.