John Nash says Aldo is only returning at UFC 301 because UFC won't let him box until he finishes his contract


Blue Belt
Dec 7, 2014
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Rumour according to his unnamed sources, @ 8:13 -

Says Aldo wanted to box on the Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson card, but he needed the UFC's permission because he has one fight left on his UFC contract. UFC didn't give him permission, so he's returning to UFC 301 to finish off his contract and be free.

If true, I guess this means he's not looking to get a title shot. I figured Aldo was coming back for one payday and to fight in Rio a last time (instead of retiring in Salt Lake), but it seems it's not even that.

I believe this very much, what about the previous matches, they just let him and then changed their minds because they needed a popular fighter from Brazil on their Brazil card after throwing their most recognizable Brazilian champ on literally the card before?
I thought Aldo boxed like 2-3 times already?

He's already had 3 pro boxing fights


Dissa a guy is a bullshita guy
Yes this is in line with what happened when Aldo threatened to retire after Conor refused a rematch.

Aldo said he would compete in BJJ, but the ufc said he would need to ask permission each time.

So, I’m guessing Also got permission to box nobodies, but Dana didn’t want Also boxing on a Jake Paul card.

Makes perfect sense knowing how Petty Dana is
I wouldn't be shocked if it is somewhat related to contract issues. Also wouldn't be shocked if Dana begged Aldo to help fill out a card in Brazil. Reminder Periera got offered a short turn around if he stomps Hill out fast.

I like pantoja but he's not a big name. They have to sell tickets
Legit. A lot of it's Dana, but a bunch has to be the rest of the corporate heads in the org. The whole organization is rotten from the inside.

Its really the corporate mindset...its all about the bottom line.
It makes them more money by putting their thumb on Aldo, so that's what they'll do.

It pisses me off the way that they just squeeze every last fuckin drop out of these guys/girls, and discard them with no remorse sir.