Jon Fitch and milk

fitch has had some theories i dont really agree with regarding dieting/nutrition, but oh well. everyone is different and what he is doing is deffinately working for him. he is fucking shredded and in amazing shape, so good for him.
fitch has had some theories i dont really agree with regarding dieting/nutrition, but oh well. everyone is different and what he is doing is deffinately working for him. he is fucking shredded and in amazing shape, so good for him.

he certainly has great conditioning but I would say it is in spite of his diet.
he certainly has great conditioning but I would say it is in spite of his diet.

im sure it is not all due to his diet by any means. all i know is whatever he is doing is working for him (and yes its a combo of hard work, genetics, etc). i would change any bit of my routines/diet to have half of his stamina. he is a fucking monster.
Did you really call me a "hippy"?

We know you're brain isn't a weapon when you can't even spell a word barley worthy to be in a 1st grade spelling bee :rolleyes:.

It's common sense. People's brains don't save them from being killed by even the smallest of insects. We are prone to disease more than any other mammal pretty much, we are some of the slowest and weakest. It's common sense.

Unless you are a God Damn Jedi, your mind can't do shit against most other creatures, besides have it eaten and splattered on the ground. See how faithful your mind is to you. Playing dead works on bears right? Go to a cave with some Grizzlies in it, throw a rock at it, then pull guard and play dead. You know what to do, it should be easy for you to lay prone for a few seconds.

You wanna be Tarzan fools are delusional. This isn't the Bear Grylls' show.

No but my brain allows me to quickly put the red dot on that bear and then quarter it out after I put an arrow through it's heart followed by a tasty burger courtesy of said bear. My brain 1, big bear 0.
I happen to believe that the sun revolves around the earth, and that the earth is flat. It's just my personal opinion.
