Media Jon Jones threatens troll online - “it’s not hard to find you”

Jon Jones may be the best MMA fighter of all time but I got a new browning maxus yesterday. I also only fight on ice and I like my odds there.. unless he played high level hockey I don’t know of.
Its not just the engagement. It just shows how entitled he is. Who gives a fuck who you know cos your famous dude. No fuckin shit
That's one way to look at it. It's not incorrect since he's never been slapped the fuck down with serious consequences for his past actions. Though when you're hit with a swarm of 1000 comments a day about your character and how big a piece of shit you are it's not a surprise he might have broke and lashed out.
That's one way to look at it. It's not incorrect since he's never been slapped the fuck down with serious consequences for his past actions. Though when you're hit with a swarm of 1000 comments a day about your character and how big a piece of shit you are it's not a surprise he might have broke and lashed out.
Its not just that he lashed out, its what he uses to defend himself

"Look at me, im such a great person, cos I know rich people and im rich and i assume you arent"

That reeks of insecurity. He cant actually talk about his actual virtues because he doesnt have any.

Good at fighting? got caught cheating on multiple occasions

Good person? Arrested for drunk driving, assaulting his wife, and is considered by most to be a two faced liar most of the time, using religion as a crutch.

He made his bed and because hes a draw he hasnt had to actually lie on it, but the criticism he gets from the fans, hes just gonna have to eat it cos he really has no defense.

It would be different if he just was an asshole who didnt care but he actually does want to be loved and still be a horrible person at the same time lmao

fuck that
Jones ans Adesanya

P4P thinnest skin fighters ever
Problem is that internet troll not only talk shit to "violent moron". These troll are only tough on social media and feels safe to say anything that they want without having to handle the consequences.
It may be  a problem, but it's not  the problem. Those trolls have as much accountability as Jon seems to.

Another problem, as I put in another post, is calling everything trolling. Doing so allows the 'target' to avoid any criticism, ironically by making the person faceless and less 'human'
Its not just that he lashed out, its what he uses to defend himself

"Look at me, im such a great person, cos I know rich people and im rich and i assume you arent"

That reeks of insecurity. He cant actually talk about his actual virtues because he doesnt have any.

Good at fighting? got caught cheating on multiple occasions

Good person? Arrested for drunk driving, assaulting his wife, and is considered by most to be a two faced liar most of the time, using religion as a crutch.

He made his bed and because hes a draw he hasnt had to actually lie on it, but the criticism he gets from the fans, hes just gonna have to eat it cos he really has no defense.

It would be different if he just was an asshole who didnt care but he actually does want to be loved and still be a horrible person at the same time lmao

fuck that
He's good at fighting that part is undeniable. You can cheat all you want to the max the human body can handle but it doesn't mean you're going to beat over a dozen Top mma fighters. That's not how that works. You might not even beat some fat slob on the street.

Not going to comment much on the good person part. He has clearly done some things that makes it reasonable to determine he's a piece of shit. He's not someone I would be friends with.

He has made his bed, and he does lie it in everyday. You've even touched on that with him wanting to be loved yet he's hated. This probably bothers him very very much but that's all his own fault. Which goes back to me saying he's lashing out.

Agreed it doesn't appear he wants to make genuine changes to become an actual good person in his day to day life.
Jon would find that person if possible, and would show up like a bully (unless it was a man instead of a defenseless female) being really mad that they dared to repeat a tiny portion of the many known scumbag acts that Jon is known to have done...outside of the cage.
Jon shows up at the guy's property uninvited

Guy tells him "Coming to my house like this is how people end up dead."

Legions of Jon's fans on Sherdog unsure whether saying that counts as a threat this time, now that it's not Jon saying it
He's good at fighting that part is undeniable. You can cheat all you want to the max the human body can handle but it doesn't mean you're going to beat over a dozen Top mma fighters. That's not how that works. You might not even beat some fat slob on the street.

Not going to comment much on the good person part. He has clearly done some things that makes it reasonable to determine he's a piece of shit. He's not someone I would be friends with.

He has made his bed, and he does lie it in everyday. You've even touched on that with him wanting to be loved yet he's hated. This probably bothers him very very much but that's all his own fault.

Agreed it doesn't appear he wants to make genuine changes to become an actual good person in his day to day life.
I didnt say he wasnt good at fighting but there is massive holes in his fight career regardless. If you get caught cheating multiple times your image is going to take a huge hit. Especially when everyone knows that UFC will try their best to cover it up
or try to mitigate the damage, while others who do alot less get crucified for it by the UFC.

The other stuff you said is spot on. The guy is trying to live in a delusion and his fans allow him his slice of make believe.
Him wanting to be loved is the worst fucking thing about this hypocrite coniving sociopath.

"Let me do all this fucked up shit and get away with it, and love me for it too"

Think when he finds him, he will bring him to the Lord? Or to his Billionaire and Millionaire friends to attend a 'Freak Off' at Diddy's house?
You would be shitting yourself in the presence of an obvious Psychopath. Especially in the USA where they have the nearly 400 Million of the great equalizer. Everyone is a HW with a gun in their hand.

People forget this sometimes.

As for social media? Alot of posters here saying Jones "shouldn't bother responding?"...but why the fuck not? Alot of people enjoy posting on forums and social media. Celebrities are no different whether posting openly or anonymously. Anyone remember that clip of Kadyrov threatening some kid that was trolling him?

Still though, a few weird flexes.