Jorge deleted all his Instagram posts

He finally realized he's no longer a BMF and he's humiliated
Had he just lost to Colby, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. Going after someone after getting your ass beat, is like Conor, talking about Dustin’s wife after losing, only worse.
Sad thing is I bet in his head, he thought he'd get a bunch of street cred and get called "real" for sucker punching someone who already whooped his ass.
He must think Colby is stupid enough to not save that shit.
Jorge is a 38 yr. journeyman that is essentially done. He has not had a win since 2019 and has lost 3 consecutive fights, and was badly KOed in his last fight.

He is desperate for attention and his time of relevance is expiring. He lost any credibility he might have earned by sucker punching an opponent in the street that beat him soundly in the ring and then running away.

he wasn’t kod in his last fight
Probably was told to do it by his lawyer.

Even though it's late it's better than never.
Social media champions do that alot. See Conor etc. Jorge is still bmf and probably junior intercontinental insta champ + jailhouse interim champ so it's expected.
Probably because all Colby's lawyers had to do was send the judge a link of his page and that is all she wrote
Internet truism - nothing is deleted forever (especially if you're some sort of public figure).
If you mutilate a person in a fight like Jorge did breaking a tooth your charges are going to be enhanced.