Social Kathy Hochul New York governor "Blacks" don't know what a computer is

It seems like that comment is an assertion about blacks getting poor education in schools, which, is... true.

Fake outrage imho.

Who's fault is that?

Democrats have been running the Big Blue Cities going on 4-5 decades now

If I didn't know any better... It seems Democrats hand out just enough scraps in entitlements to keeps black voters blue. Many of these neighborhoods are worse now.

You know how Democrats hate it when they escape the hood and aren't dependent on welfare policies anymore. And possibly start voting Red.

Wondering if this was a prepared speech. That would even be more ridiculous

No context, and I've never seen or read anything else from her, so it's hard to judge whether this was just her being old, ignorant and racist, trying to pander to her audience and failing or just misspeaking.
I wouldn't have thought broadband as a utility would be a hard sell requiring identity politics.
I like seeing the overly emotional posters who can't be bothered to call her out for her fairly racist take on Black inner city kids.

"B-b-but....your party is one that's actually racist, not mine!"

Such high standards. Vote Blue no matter who's racist I guess?
yeah mockery = overly emotional

sorry trigglypuff - can you remind me, which party has neo nazis and KKK members among its voter base as well as their elected officials?
A bunch of dorks deflecting and obfuscating in a limp wristed attempt to defend a racist af Democrat saying something racist is an elaborate way to conceal a soft bigotry of low expectations. They think it's not a loss for them, or something.

idiot boomer dems be saying sus things way too often tho


For sure. Although I'm not sure what's sus with the Colbert one, as its just a gif with no subtitles. Is this a famous 4chud meme I'm unaware of? Anyway, like I was saying. Yeah for sure there has been a good bit of older dems that say racist and/or out-of-pocket racial shit. That's really more indicative of this country's gerontocracy more than anything else. A lot of those people were born before the civil rights era. Virtually everyone 65 or older is or has been at one point, a raging racist.
Partisan hackery is hilarious. Conservatives pretending to be outraged about this would be defending any right-winger who said the same thing, and the liberals who are silent would be claiming that any prominent Republican politician who said it isn't fit for office.
It was clearly meant to be suggesting black people don't have as many nice things in the inner cities but Christ, don't these people ever vet their words before speaking?
It seems like that comment is an assertion about blacks getting poor education in schools, which, is... true.

Fake outrage imho.
Indeed, and why would that be? NY has the highest per student spending, not just among states, but higher than any country in the world, only rivaled by DC, and both of those places have the lowest literacy rates in the country. She didn't even say they should improve computer skills, she said they don't even know what the word means.
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that many lefties implicitly think of black people as being stupid or incompetent. They would deny it of course, and it's quite likely that they're not consciously aware of it, but their behaviour bears out a stance of paternalism. Meanwhile conservatives seem much more likely to approach black people with positive expectations and a stance of being a peer. They won't hold your hand because an equal doesn't need their hand held.

Equality of Opportunity >>>> Equity of Outcome

The first is a realistic goal every politician (and citizen) should strive for

The second is a garbage Marxist concept that only leads to jealousy, envy and misery
All these right wing racist dork posts are really owning the libz

It's true that black activists don't love Democrats, who keep failing to do much for them.

It's also true they fucking HATE conservatives, for all the incredibly obvious reasons.

Wilder's pea brain working at full capacity: "When rightwing dorks call out racism its because they're racist"

You're right, we should hate you guys forever, you can't change.

Or maybe...

Although he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and supported the Vietnam War earlier in his career, Byrd's views changed considerably over the course of his life; by the early 2000s, he had completely renounced racism and segregation. Byrd was outspoken in his opposition to the Iraq War.
I like seeing the overly emotional posters who can't be bothered to call her out for her fairly racist take on Black inner city kids.

"B-b-but....your party is one that's actually racist, not mine!"

Such high standards. Vote Blue no matter who's racist I guess?

Because no matter how many times those of us on the left here attempt to make clear that people like this are idiots who should rightly be mocked for saying such ignorant nonsense, it doesn't stop the endless circle jerk of predictable posts, such as:

"this is what Everyone on the left believes"
"Ya! They also think black people are too stupid to get ID"
"Dems are the real racists!"
"Robert Byrd was in the KKK!"
"Dems supported slavery in the civil war and literally nothing has changed in 160 years"
"Unverified LBJ quotes from 60 years ago"
"You guys"? Imagine being the biggest loud mouths when it comes to throwing around accusations of racism and then turn around and defend a literal klan member for your side.

Am I defending the horrible shit he did?

Or am I recognizing he acknowledged his sins and changed his ways?

This kind of change is pretty rare, would you prefer I just condemned him forever?

There's a lot of power for good in someone who was as racist as he was publicly renouncing racism.
Am I defending the horrible shit he did?

Or am I recognizing he acknowledged his sins and changed his ways?

This kind of change is pretty rare, would you prefer I just condemned him forever?

There's a lot of power for good in someone who was as racist as he was publicly renouncing racism.

So it counts when Byrd does it? How about when this guy does it?

The Orange Ogre has a pro-Black record (First Step Act, Funding of Black Colleges and Universities at record levels, Opportunity Zones) and background (awards, events, etc.), denounces racism, yet the Left Cult still makes the false claims about him repeatedly.

Here we have Hochul straight up being racist and the Leftists insta-forgive it or even worse try to act like it wasn't racist in the first place.

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