Media Kevin Holland stopped a car theft attempt in his neighborhood this morning

Nah. Quickest way to live in a shitty neighborhood with rock bottom property value and no sense of community is to fail to help others when they need it.

Standing up for what is right is worth it, even if it costs you. We need more heroes in this world, not less.

lol someone has a lot of growing up to do
Dude that shit is not worth it . Could have easily had a gun or knife

might be seen as the bitch post but a lot of idiots who join mma gyms and martial arts dojos think they should be heros when the opportunity presents it self. NO you have your own life and family . do not risk your life or stick your neck out for others because often times when you need it most no ones doing that for you.
He is a grown man, he can assess that risk and make his own decision, which he did.

It is fine to not engage as well, that is a personal choice, but if he felt like he could safely control the situation, then so be it.
Stoned? Mob justice at it’s finest!

What happened to due process?
I'd go for the mix and match myself.

Stone them painfully but not fatally on the spot, if caught by the owner or another citizen "red handed", and then some due process afterwards.
Car thefts have been up over 300% in my area. It's a large gang running out of Chicago who uses kids to do their dirty work. They've been breaking into houses during the middle of the night to steal keys and take off with one or both of the cars from the property. They'll jump in your car in broad daylight and drive off, as they did to a women returning library books. The same kids have been caught multiple times over doing this. You might think these are dangerous criminals who should face consequences for these violent crimes but not in my progressive af blue-county you don't! You see these are troubled victims of systemic such-and-such so bail would be obviously racist and kids will be kids so we just let them go. We had so many car thefts the police changed their policy to no longer pursue suspects in stolen vehicles because they were getting into high speed chases almost daily. There was a guy not that long ago that fled after stealing an SUV, rolled it, took out his gun, and was then shot by police. The community held a protest against police violence. Shit's fucked up. /end rant
Condolences to the loss of sanity in your community.

I have a cousin in Chicago but he guzzles the shit out of the Kool aid. Aunt as well.
He is a grown man, he can assess that risk and make his own decision, which he did.

It is fine to not engage as well, that is a personal choice, but if he felt like he could safely control the situation, then so be it.

so what if when you were young your dad was in this kind of situation. he assessed things and thought it was safe but then got shot. that shit is not worth it. knowing from personal things do not stick your neck out for a stranger let the police handle it. as selfish as it may seem the dumbest thing you can do is engage with a criminal. all sorts of shit can go wrong. training to be an mma fighter, being larger, whatever it is does not make you a super hero. most grown men act like babies so saying that means nothing.
so what if when you were young your dad was in this kind of situation. he assessed things and thought it was safe but then got shot. that shit is not worth it. knowing from personal things do not stick your neck out for a stranger let the police handle it. as selfish as it may seem the dumbest thing you can do is engage with a criminal. all sorts of shit can go wrong. training to be an mma fighter, being larger, whatever it is does not make you a super hero. most grown men act like babies so saying that means nothing.
I think you are misconstruing what I said.

This isn't something that will fit nicely into a box where the answers are clear, there are nuances and factors to deliberate.

It is possible for a grown man to see something going on and feel like he can make the situation better. It is up to that individual to determine the risks and make sure they don't get themselves killed. Should they choose to engage the situation they are taking on that responsibility and the repercussions.

It is funny you mention "my dad" in this type of situation because that actually happened to me when I was young. My biological dad lived in a pretty shitty neighborhood, which I would visit on weekends. There was a guy dealing drugs in the park where I played all the time. My dad confronted him and told him to get the fuck out of there and stop selling drugs in the complex, which as far as I know, is what happened, or at least he stopped being so brazen about it.

It was more important to my dad to keep his community from going downhill and keep kids from being negatively influenced so he took on a risk he determined was worthwhile. (He was also significantly bigger than the guy and that guy was as I recall a weak burnout junky)

Bad things can happen, that's life. But we need to choose what is worth fighting for and what risks are worth taking.

If YOU don't feel like any risks are worth taking that is fine, YOU are under no obligation to do so.

But that is a decision each person needs to make for themselves.
Car thefts have been up over 300% in my area. It's a large gang running out of Chicago who uses kids to do their dirty work. They've been breaking into houses during the middle of the night to steal keys and take off with one or both of the cars from the property. They'll jump in your car in broad daylight and drive off, as they did to a women returning library books. The same kids have been caught multiple times over doing this. You might think these are dangerous criminals who should face consequences for these violent crimes but not in my progressive af blue-county you don't! You see these are troubled victims of systemic such-and-such so bail would be obviously racist and kids will be kids so we just let them go. We had so many car thefts the police changed their policy to no longer pursue suspects in stolen vehicles because they were getting into high speed chases almost daily. There was a guy not that long ago that fled after stealing an SUV, rolled it, took out his gun, and was then shot by police. The community held a protest against police violence. Shit's fucked up. /end rant

So you voted for ________

(insert blank with con man)
Holland is the man Jon Jones wishes he could be.
I've had 3 different vehicles stolen here in Louisiana, Mustang GT, Toyota Tacoma, and a ZX7 Ninja. I got them all back and all the perps were caught. The Ninja and Mustang were trashed though.
Car thefts have been up over 300% in my area. It's a large gang running out of Chicago who uses kids to do their dirty work. They've been breaking into houses during the middle of the night to steal keys and take off with one or both of the cars from the property. They'll jump in your car in broad daylight and drive off, as they did to a women returning library books. The same kids have been caught multiple times over doing this. You might think these are dangerous criminals who should face consequences for these violent crimes but not in my progressive af blue-county you don't! You see these are troubled victims of systemic such-and-such so bail would be obviously racist and kids will be kids so we just let them go. We had so many car thefts the police changed their policy to no longer pursue suspects in stolen vehicles because they were getting into high speed chases almost daily. There was a guy not that long ago that fled after stealing an SUV, rolled it, took out his gun, and was then shot by police. The community held a protest against police violence. Shit's fucked up. /end rant
The fact that people do fucked up shit and deserve to face consequences for it does not stand in contrast to them being criminals due to socio-economic problems.

No one is born a criminal - but if one would believe that, one would have to think that US-americans are genetically predisposed to becoming criminal more than anyone else on planet earth, if we judge it by the incarceration rate per capita.
Car thieves deserve to get stoned, honestly. In public and also streamed live for a YouTube series
C'mon, never went for a joyride with your best girl back in high school while the rest of the town was asleep?
Dude that shit is not worth it . Could have easily had a gun or knife

might be seen as the bitch post but a lot of idiots who join mma gyms and martial arts dojos think they should be heros when the opportunity presents it self. NO you have your own life and family . do not risk your life or stick your neck out for others because often times when you need it most no ones doing that for you.
Living in fear isn't living.
Car thefts have been up over 300% in my area. It's a large gang running out of Chicago who uses kids to do their dirty work. They've been breaking into houses during the middle of the night to steal keys and take off with one or both of the cars from the property. They'll jump in your car in broad daylight and drive off, as they did to a women returning library books. The same kids have been caught multiple times over doing this. You might think these are dangerous criminals who should face consequences for these violent crimes but not in my progressive af blue-county you don't! You see these are troubled victims of systemic such-and-such so bail would be obviously racist and kids will be kids so we just let them go. We had so many car thefts the police changed their policy to no longer pursue suspects in stolen vehicles because they were getting into high speed chases almost daily. There was a guy not that long ago that fled after stealing an SUV, rolled it, took out his gun, and was then shot by police. The community held a protest against police violence. Shit's fucked up. /end rant
What kind of godforsaken society have you and your peers created where children would rather become criminals than reaping the benefits of being upstanding citizens?

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