Social Kid Got Attacked At Recess


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
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And I'm resisting the urge of going to the school, punting the offending kid into orbit and manhandling the parents. Public schools, brahs. Not even once. Tried telling the wife we should move to a better school district or look into private school. She thinks being educated around feral kids with shit parents is "character building." Giving the school a chance to rectify the situation before I end up on the evening news. I can just see some idiot TA on their phone while my kid is being attacked. Makes my blood boil. And of course my kid won't defend herself because she thinks she'll get in trouble.
School policies should absolutely be "free to defend yourself if attacked. You should never be telling anyone to endure an attack. I'm deeply sorry your child is going through that. Do you know why she was attacked? How badly was she hurt? I'm in the school of thought your wife's in though to be completely honest. I want my daughter to have some experience in public school. Get to know what it's like to interact with the real public but also want her to receive a decent education and teachers who give a fuck. But if my daughter was experiencing attacks or had a legitimate fear of returning to school I would take care of her ofc. I am very protective of my daughter and always make sure she knows I have her back, but I also know having her fight her own battles whenever possible is what is best for her in the long run. See what the response is. You should have a meeting with you your daughter the kid/kids that attacked her and their parents ASAP if the school can't organize that then They don't really GaF.
School policies should absolutely be "free to defend yourself if attacked. You should never be telling anyone to endure an attack. I'm deeply sorry your child is going through that. Do you know why she was attacked? How badly was she hurt? I'm in the school of thought your wife's in though to be completely honest. I want my daughter to have some experience in public school. Get to know what it's like to interact with the real public but also want her to receive a decent education and teachers who give a fuck. But if my daughter was experiencing attacks or had a legitimate fear of returning to school I would take care of her ofc. I am very protective of my daughter and always make sure she knows I have her back, but I also know having her fight her own battles whenever possible is what is best for her in the long run. See what the response is. You should have a meeting with you your daughter the kid/kids that attacked her and their parents ASAP if the school can't organize that then They don't really GaF.
She was playing with a ball the kid wanted and his first instinct was to tackle her. Tells me he has shit parents and may even be a sped kid that shouldn't be in gen Ed classes. I spoke with the teacher, office and principal. They said they'll address it. Giving them the opportunity, I don't want to make too huge of a deal out of it because I don't want my daughter being scared to tell me anything.
And I'm resisting the urge of going to the school, punting the offending kid into orbit and manhandling the parents. Public schools, brahs. Not even once. Tried telling the wife we should move to a better school district or look into private school. She thinks being educated around feral kids with shit parents is "character building." Giving the school a chance to rectify the situation before I end up on the evening news. I can just see some idiot TA on their phone while my kid is being attacked. Makes my blood boil. And of course my kid won't defend herself because she thinks she'll get in trouble.
As a Sherdogger it's your duty to teach your daughter teh jab and how to fill the room with uppercuts

And I agree with you. Most public schools in the US are shit, either with student discipline or quality of education, and it's usually both
And I'm resisting the urge of going to the school, punting the offending kid into orbit and manhandling the parents. Public schools, brahs. Not even once. Tried telling the wife we should move to a better school district or look into private school. She thinks being educated around feral kids with shit parents is "character building." Giving the school a chance to rectify the situation before I end up on the evening news. I can just see some idiot TA on their phone while my kid is being attacked. Makes my blood boil. And of course my kid won't defend herself because she thinks she'll get in trouble.
Sorry about your kid. Your wife tho... Your kid has to go a place that's traumatizin for her every day. Better sign her up for boxing/kickboxing classes if you can't veto your wife's decision. It's a fair compromise.
As a Sherdogger it's your duty to teach your daughter teh jab and how to fill the room with uppercuts

And I agree with you. Most public schools in the US are shit, either with student discipline or quality of education, and it's usually both
Yes it's impossible for kids to get suspended these days and my kid scored off the charts on tests but they're still sending her home with piss easy homework because her classmates aren't as advanced.
She was playing with a ball the kid wanted and his first instinct was to tackle her. Tells me he has shit parents and may even be a sped kid that shouldn't be in gen Ed classes. I spoke with the teacher, office and principal. They said they'll address it. Giving them the opportunity, I don't want to make too huge of a deal out of it because I don't want my daughter being scared to tell me anything.
That's such a thin line to walk, giving calculated responses in order to keep that trust with our children. I feel for you. This older nearly retired teacher screamed in my daughters ear last year after she tried to console a student near him he had just berated and I wanted to make a scene but I just made sure my daughter felt supported. Ultimately the school and the principal didn't give a shit, but I took it up with the board and they came and chewed them out lol. Anyway, yeah that sounds like a kid who has developmental issues. Find out if he has had other incidents. The most important thing is how your daughter feels imo. I'd get an idea of if she feels safe and what she'd like to happen moving forward.
I got my 9yr old daughter training in bjj. My son unfortunately doesn't want to, which is a shame, but honestly his sister can likely deal with anyone who fucks with him.

You say she was tackled, that happens in ball sports? Is there more to it?
I got my 9yr old daughter training in bjj. My son unfortunately doesn't want to, which is a shame, but honestly his sister can likely deal with anyone who fucks with him.

You say she was tackled, that happens in ball sports? Is there more to it?
Not on concrete and the sped kid wasnt involved in the game
I generally don't like the term "character building".

It's usually used by people who get boners about the past because they hate something about the present.

So it's fine for a child to be tormented and abused by other kids because it's "character building".

My education and passion for life were ruined because of shit that happened to me at school and at home, but at least a shitty, depressed, anxious character was built.

What does your kid want? She happy at her school?
On one hand you want your child to build social resilience on the other hand you don't need them to be traumatised, it's difficult.

The issue is most schools don't intervene at all even though they have a duty of care to all children in the school, this even goes towards the perpetrators of said situations.

Maybe the kid and his family just need to be sent to the gulag for a couple of years. I know you'll say but William that place is like a hoilday camp!!!? Surely that's not going to help...... But you just need to trust me...... Everything is going to turn out OK.
I generally don't like the term "character building".

It's usually used by people who get boners about the past because they hate something about the present.

So it's fine for a child to be tormented and abused by other kids because it's "character building".

My education and passion for life were ruined because of shit that happened to me at school and at home, but at least a shitty, depressed, anxious character was built.

What does your kid want? She happy at her school?

Just sounds like you needed more "character building" to me........