Social Kyle Rittenhouse Booed off Stage at University of Memphis When Faced With Protestors


Red Belt
Dec 28, 2006
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"Video from the event showed several protesters in black T-shirts in attendance. One of them stood up and questioned Rittenhouse about Charlie Kirk, the far-right conservative activist whose youth organization, Turning Point U.S.A., sponsored Rittenhouse’s appearance."

Rittenhouse asked the person questioning him, with some gusto, what racist things Charlie Kirk has said. When confronted with them, Rittenhouse said he didn't have any comments and walked off stage.

His excuse was that he had a hard stop time and needed to leave... which makes no sense since the last words he said were “We’re gonna have a bit of a dialogue of what racist things Charlie Kirk said.”
The only reason the left hates Rittenhouse so much is because he killed a pedophile, they always stand of for their own even when they are in the wrong. If Kyle and killed just a normal white person in self defense it wouldn't even be on the news.
What he knows and how he feels are 2 completely different things. I'd imagine it was the latter that drives him...

Saying "we're going to have a dialogue about Kirk's racism" seems pretty stupid if you don't actually have a response.

I've never considered Rittenhouse an activist or even political, just a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you'd think someone would have prepared him for something like this.
The only reason the left hates Rittenhouse so much is because he killed a pedophile, they always stand of for their own even when they are in the wrong. If Kyle and killed just a normal white person in self defense it wouldn't even be on the news.

Real talk, is that what you sincerely believe? Or are you just making the political joke?

Lefties have a laundry list of bad reasons to hate Rittenhouse but that sure as hell isn't one of them.
What, that he didn't let some child molestor cave his skull in with a skateboard? That he shot a guy pointing a gun at him?
You hate the kid because you were told to. Period.

I don't hate Rittenhouse, he was innocent and committed no crime. He was defending himself. I said the reasons he's hated are bad.

Next ignorant assumption, please.