Social Lead designer of Black Panther video game admits she doesn't hire white people.

This was my first thought she will cry racism when the game bombs in sales and reviews.
You're not wrong, but let's not act like you won't be part of the review bombing campaign.

You'll be up till 3am writing an essay of a negative review for a game you hadn't played and had no desire to play. With a bottle of single malt at your bedside.
It was also a movement and a animal so its more than 1 thing.

Yeah I'm sure this promotional image with fucking MARVEL on it along with the super-hero's logo is about the political movement of the 60s.


You really need to stop drinking this early.

Yeah I'm sure this promotional image with fucking MARVEL on it along with the super-hero's logo is about the political movement of the 60s.


You really need to stop drinking this early.
Seems like your lazy opening post omitted this image and other details. Should probably calm down on calling people dumbasses and do a better job at making threads.
Seems like your lazy opening post omitted this image and other details. Should probably calm down on calling people dumbasses and do a better job at making threads.
Maybe if you read the article linked in the first post, you'd clearly see that the game is an adaptation of the marvel property.

Maybe stop forming your opinions off headlines, and actually do the legwork of reading what's presented to you. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of embarrassment in the future.
I have never watched Black Panther.

Not because 'black' but because Marvel is horribly oversaturated and superhero shit gets very samey unless it's the Boys or something like that.

Last one I saw was about magical rings and some Asian guy fighting nonsense monsters in a made up world while pretending to be relevant.
I don't really care. I had no intention of playing it anyway.

But, the over the top "look at how racist I can be" nonsense never ends well. I mean just check out how bad American Society of Magical Negroes movie bombed so far. It's pretty obvious that it's PC these days to be racist against white people. All the rage really. Decades ago, it was PC to be racist against blacks in the US. So as long as PC definitions have shifted and accepted, it makes eye for an eye very copesetic.

The film fell well below the current reigning box office kings "Kung Fu Panda 4" and "Dune: Part Two," and couldn't even keep up with Angel Studios' new film "Cabrini," falling four full slots behind.

As for the hard numbers, the film, projected by Variety to garner a few million dollars, only earned $1,304,270 across 1,147 theaters opening weekend.

By contrast, as per Box Office Mojo's box office numbers, "Kung Fu Panda" earned over $30 million, "Dune: Part Two" over $28 million, and even "Cabrini" earned over $2.8 million.

While we can set our watches to the accusations of "racism" that will be thrown at general audiences for failing to show up to the theatres, the truth is the film had an aggressively left-leaning premise, and it was that premise that made it bomb massively.

No joke when I read the movie title I 100% thought you were making fun of some all black movie I haven't heard of. I was even trying to guess what movie you could be making fun of. Then I googled what you wrote and sure enough that is the exact movie title.
No joke when I read the movie title I 100% thought you were making fun of some all black movie I haven't heard of. I was even trying to guess what movie you could be making fun of. Then I googled what you wrote and sure enough that is the exact movie title.
This made me laugh too hard.
I live in LA and just watched a ton of “woke left type” participate in a holiday the celebrates the culture of white Celtic folks.

Nobody needs to write an article with explicit praise to hold support for a community. I doubt you can find a bunch of articles from staunch conservative that is explicitly pro-Buddhism. Does that mean the right doesn’t like them? No.

Why don’t you post some explicitly pro white articles from these conservatives? I have a feeling what you’re really describing is articles that support white people’s victim complex.

What a weird way of saying that my city celebrated St. Patrick's Day.
Maybe if you read the article linked in the first post, you'd clearly see that the game is an adaptation of the marvel property.

Maybe stop forming your opinions off headlines, and actually do the legwork of reading what's presented to you. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of embarrassment in the future.
What exactly am I embarrassed about? What opinion did I form, other than the one of you being a d-bag that made a sloppy thread that lacks details? Do better in the future.

Here is the video of her saying this shit. It's actually worse than the OPs text implies. I find it hard to believe that this won't result in her getting sued lol...

Also, I'm pretty sure some of the info in the OP is false. I don't think she's the lead for Black Panther and she was talking about an indie game that she worked on called Validate. Doesn't make it any better, but she's not the one hiring people for Black Panther.

From the post:

The title is wrong. Her current position is Associate Narrative Designer at Cliffhanger Games. Cliffhanger Games is currently developing a single-player Black Panther game. But in the video she is referring to her role as Lead Producer for ValiDate, a game released by Veritable Joy Studios in 2022.

While this cunt is most certainly racist and is probably going to lose her job, LibsofTikTok is lying about her even being in a management position for black panther lol. If she's going to post this shit, she should at least not be a retard herself. Like why misrepresent her position? This is a good example of racism against white people, but LibsofTikTok has to distort for no reason other than to make it sound like EA didn't hire white people for Black Panther. This is why people will instantly discredit shit coming from LibsofTikTok... literally no reason to lie or embilsh this one, but she managed to do it anyway.

Narrative designer makes a lot more sense. Just watching the 1 minute clip and you get the sense this woman isn't the brightest bulb, I had trouble believing she was actually a lead developer.

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