Crime Letitia James Under Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart for selling his New York home 829% over market value

for what crime? name the charges and why those statutes would apply.

did he even lie to the buyer about the dimensions of the house, or does that not even apply in this pathetic little apples-to-typewriters comparison?

maga trash are just mad that their fraudy orange rapist who they worship is a fraud so they are having another cry-cry and throwing irrelevant little whataboutism's around as if that's ever going to absolve orange crosby from his own unlawful actions.

they are incapable of defending their fraudy messiah, and they are desperate to come up with any kind of spin job to try to whatabout zesto molesto's unlawful activity away or try to downplay his activity and act like defrauding the state of new york is totally acceptable. so this is what they've resorted to.

lying to the banks about a property to take out a bigger loan is not the same as selling your house. but try telling that to these chuddy little mouth breathers. "donald trump defrauded the banks to take out a loan? well whatabout whatabout whatabout hunter biden's cock? and one time obama put a tan suit. and a fat chick played a flute. and oh yeah one time the hindenberg went down in flames. checkmate libtards!"

yeah have fun with this one. i'm sure they'll be indicting jon stewart for selling his house that he owned for the money that the buyer agreed to. any year now, just not this year.
I guess the trumpettes on here are so desperate for a win these days that they’ll just play pretend and celebrate together, even when they know it’s all fake and makes them look like clowns.
The fact that this article straight out lied about almost every aspect of Stewart's sale should alert you to the fact that there is probably a lot of missing information/context.

This is literally a partisan hit piece in response to his scathing piece about Trump. And it's another giant "L" for the Murdoch empire.
I would think that all properties the buyers would get an assessment. Then what someone will pay is another matter. I would think all buyers would ask for an assessment. Both here and in trumps.
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I guess the trumpettes on here are so desperate for a win these days that they’ll just play pretend and celebrate together, even when they know it’s all fake and makes them look like clowns.
I’m really starting to wonder if it’s this, or if they have actually convinced themselves of something so stupid. We see it all the time with cults like this. People suspend their belief in reality itself to go along with the cult’s message.
it's really the same thing, two sides of the same coin. Valuations while done by the accessors can be wildly off from valuations done by a citizen. I have multiple properties that have varying valuations, and you can make the argument that the accessor is giving favorable treatment to Jon Stewart, are we going after the accessor for that? @Sinister says jon updated his place, that would trigger valuation increases if done properly, but naw, they safe. I have a piece of land that is overvalued by the accessor by 100% (not a typo), aint nobody going to bat on my behalf, bank on that. On top of that, the idea that the bank, who deals with valuations for a living, is ok with Trump's valuation, says it all, it's a non issue, the idea that the bank is defrauded on valuation only comes into play on pitched plays/business startups, but actual property, dont buy it at all, especially a non issue since they were paid back.
So it would be the accessor now who is the problem rather than Stewart? If you could point to specific evidence to what Stewart did in any of this then feel free to go after him. In the case of Trump, there is specific evidence.

And I wouldn't put much stock in banks being cool with the valuation. They had no problems giving out loans based on bad info back before 2008 and look how that turned out. In that case it would be on them for not doing proper due dilligence where in this case it is Trump's doing. This whole thing is based on providing bad info to the bank regardless of outcome because of the overall impact of the practice as seen with that. Just because one person gets away with it does not mean it is not an issue.

And with your properties can you go to banks and provide false info for loans? I'm sure you'd get hit with the long dick of the law. People want to imply Stewart got preferential treatment, but perhaps the banks were cool with the faulty valuations because of... preferential treatment. To me the bank being cool with this implicates the bank more than exonerates Trump.
you are making the assumption that the bank did not do their own appraisal

you get a damn appraisal for a heloc, trump suddenly gets by that because he's asking for more money that most humans would ever ask for? gtfo
You’re trying to argue that it’s impossible to commit fraud since the bank will do their own diligence. Why even require to provide anything beyond a property address if the lender will just do their own valuation?

Even on deals with completely open access, the borrower / seller will still have to rep that the information provided isn’t misrepresented, with recourse if it is found that it is.
I guess the trumpettes on here are so desperate for a win these days that they’ll just play pretend and celebrate together, even when they know it’s all fake and makes them look like clowns.

a guy who used legit money to buy a house, and paid his assessed property taxes on it before he sold his property to a guy who was willing to pay alot more money than market value for it. wow. <dana white that's fucking illegal>

unless the dude who bought it lied to the banks to obtain that money to buy the apartment, or jon stewart didnt report the sale and pay his taxes on it, then there's no crime.

but that's not going to stop the maga trash from trying to invent crimes just because they are butthurt that their fraudy orange rapist messiah they worship is being held accountable to his own unlawful actions. somebody needs to tell these deranged muppets that whataboutisms are not going to excuse somebody from their own actions. stamping their feet and screaming "TDS!" and "Whatabout Hunter's Laptop?" is not going to make any of zesto molesto's felony charges go away, nor is it ever going to change the fact that molestini cheetolini is an adjudicated fraudster, rapist, sexual predator, and a serial defamer.

"My fee-fee's are hurt. But whatabout the hindenberg! They should go charge these other people for imaginary crimes just to make me feel better!". i mean shit it's just downright sad. you can't even compare these two incidents at all, but they are just so desperate to try to spin and deflect because they are obviously unable to defend the mandarin molester for defrauding the state of new york by lying to the banks to obtain a loan to buy property that other people could have bought using money that they were entitled to.

whenever jon stewart and his pals go lying to a bank to take out a loan, then we can try to make a comparison. but until then it's all just more poppycock coming from the right. don't even let it distract you.
It was blatantly illegal. You just do t care about law and worship criminals
Your side supports bell reform which is releases repeat offenders which recently got a cop killed on top of many other people have been murdered because of it.
Let’s see if they apply the same standard to Stewart as they do Trump. Curious…

Who could have ever guessed Jon Stewart was a missive hypocrite? My mind is fucking blown. Next you’re gunna tell me that news anchors get all their talking points from the political party that their constituents are privy to. Whatever you do, don’t ruin the news for me, people, I beg of you.
Embarrassing 🤣 you can legally sell your property for any price that someone is willing to pay. Trying to equate that with committing fraud is hilarious.

Do you ever have one original thought or are you always starting from a baseline of "my daddy can do no wrong, he's innocent 100%. Always"?
Your side supports bell reform which is releases repeat offenders which recently got a cop killed on top of many other people have been murdered because of it.
Ah yes, because having a legal system that overwhelmingly advantages wealthy people is such a beautiful system. Derp.

"I'm against the elites!!! ...but I want a legal system in place that overwhelmingly favors the elites!!"
I would think that all properties the buyers would get an assessment. Then what someone will pay is another matter. I would think all buyers would ask for an assessment. Both here and in trumps.

It wouldn't shock me one bit if higher-dollar buyers didnt do that because they felt they knew they could flip the property at a profit just by looking at it.
It wouldn't shock me one bit if higher-dollar buyers didnt do that because they felt they knew they could flip the property at a profit just by looking at it.
That's why i don't get the fuss. But I havent looked into NYC buying either.
Embarrassing 🤣 you can legally sell your property for any price that someone is willing to pay. Trying to equate that with committing fraud is hilarious.

Do you ever have one original thought or are you always starting from a baseline of "my daddy can do no wrong, he's innocent 100%. Always"?
LOL, you thinking that I’M the one blindly following others shows just how delusional you are. I have shit on Trump multiple times on this site. I don’t think I’ve ever spoken well of him, but whatever you want to think is fine with me. I never have nor will I ever vote for Trump either. I want him gone, I’m sick of his fat orange ass. I’m just equally sick of the other side as well. Neither side has our interest in mind, and they only care about maintaining their grip on power.
It is different unless you completely misunderstood how it works. The Assessor sets the value for tax purposes. No crime from Trump or Stewart for selling above the assessor’s value. In that case neither Trump nor Stewert lied to anyone. They paid the assessed value. This is not a crime anywhere in the u.s.

Trump lied on the value of his properties to induce people to loan him money. Stewert hasn’t taken any loan here. What Trump has done is a crime everywhere in the u.s.

This is not an intellectually honest thread.

If what Trump did is illegal, why did the DA specifically say she isn't going to charge other people for doing the exact same thing?