Logging my Lifts


If can, can. If no can, no can.
Nov 20, 2006
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Decided to start logging my workouts again and other related tidbits. Have been working out again for almost a year after pretty much taking a year off (went to the gym maybe 5-6 times max). Prior to that I was very inconsistent maybe getting in 1-2 workouts per week. Loss a lot of weight and strength. Built a home gym, which helped. First couple of months was tough, especially when I got derailed by back to back injuries. The past 6 months have bee more serious, especially the past 3 months since I actually started programming.

Goals is to get stronger at the big 3 SBD lifts and be healthy. Also goal is to compete at some point when I hit 40. So anywhere between Summer 2020-2021. For sure I want to compete in Feb 2021 at a USPA meet that my friend host at his gym in Napa, but hopefully something sooner.

I do care about aesthetics, although not really a priority. I'm hoping it will come with putting in more work and start paying more attention to my diet. Having really been taking my diet/food intake seriously, although I try my best to get sufficient protein. Sleep is crap for the past several years. Average about 6 hours of interrupted sleep per night. Bad nights I may only get 4-5 hours. Better nights 6-7 hours. On rare ocassions I will get 8+ hours of interrupted sleep.

Current bodyweight hovering between 160-162 lbs. I started off at like 150 maybe even less at one point. Would like to stay under 165 lbs by the end of the year.

Will try to play some catch up with logging when I get a chance.
2/26/20 - Week 10, Day 3 - Garage Gym @ 8:45pm

Pin Bench (chest level)
135x5x2, 185x5, 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 295x1, 285x3, 275x3x2

Ab work


2/27/20 - Week 10, Day 3 - Base Gym @ 1pm

Sumo Deadlift
135x5x2, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1 @ 8, 390x4, 370x4x3

2 Count Pause Squat
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x5x2

Done. Pretty good workout. Was suppose to do 6s with pauses, but no idea why I did 5s. That's a wrap this week for a nice 3-day mini vacation in so-cal.

3/2/20 - Week 11, Day 1 - Base Gym @ 1pm

Comp Squat
135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 335x1, 355x1, 375x1 @ 8-8.5, 300x5, 335x3, 340x3x2

Bench Press - Quick Pause
135x8x2, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 295x1, 285x3, 270x3x2

Done. Suppose to be a SBD day, but no time. Wanted to do it at night, but was too tired. Was surprised I felt pretty good on squat given a long weekend and tons of walking in Disneyland and LA. Bench didn't feel that great which has been a trend lately....

3/3/20 - Week 11, Day 1 (continued) - Base Gym @ 3pm

3.4" Deficit Sumo Deadlift (standing on bumper plate)
135x5x2, 225x3, 315x1, 345x1, 365x1, 385x1 @ 8, 355x4, 335x4x2

Chest Supported Hammer Rows
5 sets

Done. Wanted to add more back work, but out of time. Note to self, not to do deficits that high for sumo, lol. Shit was hard with my short arms.

3/4/20 - Week 11, Day 2 - Garage Gym @ 9:15pm

Pin Squats (slightly below parallel)
135x5x2, 185x3, 230x1, 280x1, 325x1, 345x1, 325x3, 300x3, 280x3

Wanted to train at work, but was too busy so had to wait until tonight at home. Wanted to do abs, but had to put my 4 year old to sleep. These felt crushing and overshot my last single slightly. For me pin squats are harder the pause squats.

That's all I can remember in terms of details of what I did recently. As of right now I'm still on Week 11, Day 2. Need to finish benching today. Tommorow is another SBD day. Need to get it all in since I won't have time on Saturday.
I don't record my lifts much, but will do it on occasion to check form. Here are some at RPE 8ish.

Here is my recent 375 squat. I notice chest wasn't up and elbows wasn't down enough. Got out of the groove slightly. Depth seems on point.

For bench I've done tons of top singles @ 8. Most of the time at 295, a few times at 305. This is the only one I recorded at my work gym in the hospital. Hate that bench, but whatever. Bench has felt like crap lately.

Here is one of my 425 deadlift

Projecting 405, 325, 455 on test day. At first was thinking 335 on bench, but we will see. The end of this week and next will say a lot, but hoping the peak will surprise me. Would be happy with my projections, but wouldn't mind breaking a 1200 total.
3/5/20 - Week 11, Day 2 (continued) - Base Gym #2

Comp Bench
135x5x2, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1, 315x1, 285x3, 295x3, 300x2, 300x1

Close Grip Floor Press
135x6, 225x6, 235x6, 235x6, 225x6, 185x6

2 sets

GHD Situps
1 set

Comeback PR on bench. Finally attempted 3 wheels. Need to get back to doing these for sets of 5. Next week may up the weight slightly for a last heavy bench before maxing out in 2 weeks. Messed up on the back off sets. Took 295 for a triple by accident; suppose to be doubles. Wanted to keep volume equal so took the last set for a 2-sec pause single. I was extremely fatigued by the time I got to floor presses. Triceps were shot. First time at this new gym that was setup in a giant hangar building. I work in a hospital on a military base so it's nice to have access to multiple gyms on base.

315 video. Horrible angle and glaring lights. Need to buy a mini tripod that can wrap around stuff to take better angles....
3//6/20 - Week 11, Day 3 - Garage Gym - 7am

ATG High Bar, Close Stance, 3-2-0 Tempo Squats - No Belt
135x6x2, 185x6, 230x6, 250x6, 235x6x3

Had time this morning to get in something real quick, even though sleep was horrible. Wanted to get in my pin bench, but wouldn't have enough time and back to back heavish bench is not fun. May have to push bench until late saturday night. Suppose to be just 2 count pause squats for 6s, but modified it for no apparent reason. Only thing that would have made them worse was using my SSB instead. Now I have to find time at work to get in my deadlift. If everything feels ok shooting for 435-445 top single.

3//6/20 - Week 11, Day 3 (continued) - Base Gym - 2:45pm

Sumo Deadlift
135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 372.5x1, 412.5x1, 445x0, 430x1, 375x5, 395x3x3

Shit. Missed 445. Put a 2.5 lb plate instead of a 5 on one side for the 375 and 415 pulls. Basically for the 445 I just gave up and it didn't even leave the floor. I should have fought it stefi cohen style, but it is what it is. Wanted to take a top single so decided to play it safe and take 430, which came up as fast the prior weeks 425 singles. I'm just going to chalk it up and not even sweat it. Probably a number of things contributed. My stance was wider then usual, took a 32.5 lb jump, deadlifting in jeans, squatted earlier this morning with crappy sleep last night.
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3//7/20 - Week 11, Day 3 (Continued) - Garage Gym - 9:30pm

Pin Bench - Chest level
135x10, 135x5, 185x4, 230x3, 280x1, 290x1, 300x1, 290x3, 270x3x3

High Rep Band Pull Apart

Ab Wheel, Crunches

Done. This felt like a tempo pin press since had to really try not to make too much noise banging the safety arms. Conservative with the top single. Wanted to throw in some rows, but may do some upper back work tonight. May even start Week 12 with some deficit deads to get the week started early and finish up squat/bench tomorrow. Not ideal to break up SBD days so randomly, but this entire cycle I hit a SBD at one session 3 times tops. Hopefully in the next year or two things will get better.
3/8/20 - GPP - Garage Gym - 10pm

Pendlay Rows
135x8, 185x8x3

Leg Raises, Front Plate Raise, Flat Behind the Head Raises, Barbell Curls, Shrugs, Other light random stuff

Couldn't get started until 10pm so decided to just wait on deadlifts. My little one woke up during the rows so that slowed me down. Kept the pendlays light while resetting and practicing some deadlift cues on each rep. Pretty much circuit through random movements to keep the heart rate up. Only rest was when my son woke up, but luckily he went back to sleep within 5 minutes. Week 12 starting tomorrow and then what looks like a taper with a test day. Hoping I can test everything at once, if not then whatevers. This is just to establish where my 1RM are so I can set new goals and build up my weak ass total, lmao.
3/9/20 - Week 12, Day 1 - Base Gym @ 4:15pm

Comp Squat
135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 345x1, 365x1, 385x1 @ 9.5-10, 345x3, 355x2x2, 315x5

Done in about 35 minutes. 345 felt heavy, but then 365 felt decent so decided to hit my target for the day. Sadly 385 was a grinder and overshot RPE. Back offs felt ok. Some dude asked to squat in with me which was cool, but he asked if I needed a spot and I said no, but then he proceeds to be like I'll be there just in case, lol...wtf I said no lol.

Home Gym @ 9:15pm

Touch-n-Go Bench
135x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 280x1, 300x1 @ 7.5-8, 295x3, 280x3x2

Band pull aparts - AMRAP

Wanted to finish the entire day with deficit pulls, but my son woke up again right after I was done benching and then my crazy 4 year old was still up and got all excited. Damn time change messing us up. My kids are way too high maintenance. Hopefully I have time at work to hit the gym real quick. Volume has been dropping these past few weeks so I should get through these faster.
3/10/20 - Week 12, Day 2 - Base Gym #2 @ 2:30 pm

Bodyweight: 161 lbs

Comp Bench
135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x1, 300x1, 325x1, 295x3x2

Lat Pulldowns - Myo-Reps
100 pin x15, x4, x4, x4, x4, x4

Only had about 35 minutes to train so got it in pretty fast. Forgot my gym bag at home so decided to not do my deadlift workout. Will have to do it tonight. Decided to skip forward and bench again today. Back to back bench and hit a nice comeback PR again at 325. Back to double BW bench. Suppose to be RPE 9, but felt like a 9.5. Not bad for being somewhat fatigued. Will post a vid later. Ideally tonight I get both deficit deads and 2nd half of bench. Suppose to be wide grip bench, but I already do max width grip. Will do illegal wide spoto press tonight. Just 5 sets of 6.
Vid of 325. Last heavy bench until test day. Let's do this

3/10/20 - Week 12, Day 1 + 2 (continued) - Home Gym @ 9:20 pm

1.5" Deficit Sumo Deadlift
135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 355x1, 375x1, 395x1, 365x4, 345x4x2

Spoto Press - Illegal Wide Grip (index outside rings) - 1 count pause
135x6, 185x6, 205x6, 225x6, 245x6x3

Done. Deads beat me up, but bench felt easy. Need to keep working to get out of these poverty lifts, especially my poor squat and deadlift.
3/11/20 - Week 12, Day 2 (continued) - Base Gym #2 @ 4:30pm

Pin Squat - No Belt.
135x5x2 185x3, 225x3, 275x1x2, 295x1, 315x1, 335x1, 315x3, 295x3, 275x3

Only had 25 minutes to finish and was done in 23 minutes. Could have gone faster, but needed to record my lift to look at depth. Safety arms were a little high, so dropped it down one peg and retook from 275 and on. Now about 1/2" below parallel. Need to remember peg hole #28. Arms and body definitely feeling fatigued. Free time to train is tight, but need to get in the rest of the work this week.
3//12/20 - Week 12 Day 3 - Garage Gym - 9:30pm

Pin Bench - Chest level
135x5x2, 185x5, 230x3, 260x1, 280x1, 290x1, 300x1, 290x3, 280x3, 270x3, 370 x unrack and hold for ~10 seconds

No way I can get everything in tomorrow so decided to get the bench in today. Chest/shoulders are sore, but weights moved well. Decided to do a heavy hold at the end. Just one last heavy pull and some volume pause squats before the taper next week.
3/13/20 - Week 12, Day 3 (continued) - Base Gym - 4:30pm

Sumo Deadlift
135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 385x3, 405x4

Done. Wasn't sure if I could get to the gym today and luckily they didn't shut down. Super short on time so had to crank these out fast. After going back and forth in my head I decided to just stop at 425. 405 was suppose to be 2x2, but had to leave ASAP so cranked them all out at once. Missed 1 last back off set of 365x5. That's pretty much a wrap on deads. Not where I wanted to end my last heavy pull before testing, but it is what it is. Can't workout tonight so paused squats tomorrow and on to the taper.
3/14/20 - Week 12, Day 3 (continued) - Home Gym - 2:15pm

Bodyweight: 160 lbs.

2-Count Pause Squat
135x6x2, 185x6, 230x6, 280x6, 290x6x2

Done. Passed on the last set of paused squats. Back started cramping/tightening like yesterday. No time to do anything else. May have to train only at home from here on out, which sucks since I'm usually exhausted at night although volume super low at this point so workouts should be fast.
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3/17/20 - Week 13, Day 1 - Home Gym - 2:30pm

135x5x2, 185x3, 225x3, 280x1, 325x1, 355x1, 375x1, 345x3

135x8, 185x5, 225x3, 280x1, 310x1, 280x3

Sumo Deadlift
135x8, 225x5, 325x2, 375x1

Done pretty quickly. Need to take a short break instead of jumping right into bench next time. I took the day off today so got to workout mid day. One more easy squat/bench and then will try to test. Not sure if I should do it tomorrow or wait until Thursday. Will then test maxes on either Saturday or Sunday. After that my workouts might be more sporadic and inconsistent for the next couple of weeks, but its all good.
3/19/20 - Week 13, Day 2 - Home Gym - 9:15pm

135x5x2, 185x3, 225x2, 280x1, 325x1, 345x1

135x5x2, 185x4, 225x3, 280x1. 290x1

Last workout before testing max to end this taper. Felt horrible. Didn't even take my top single on squat. Almost loss balance on the 345. Had to be patient and fight my way back to mid foot. Really bad sleep the past 2 days, feeling like crap all day and a late night workout is not a good combo. Decided not to go up since last squat workout felt good. Bench felt like crap too so decided to go lighter and just take 290. Took a long break like 7-8 minutes. Weight shot up fast so at least it ended on a good note. Now the tricky part is finding time to test on ideally Sunday. Wife is on-call and this shelter in place doesn't help. Need to drain the kids energy and somehow have both of them nap at the same time.
3/20/20 Evening

Walked 1.5 miles pushing a double stroller and also kicking soccer ball with the kids. Needed to get the kids some fresh air and activity during this statewide lockdown. Not sure if it's even worth putting this kind of stuff on here. There's many times I'm walking a lot and playing with the kids at the park. Maybe I'll just group this as NEAT instead of cardio. Wife wants to go hiking today. There's a place near by with a short hike to some giant boulders. It's about a mile steep walk to the location then mile back downhill. Feeling like crap in general, but I just took a 1.5 hour nap with my soon to be 2 year old. First time taking a nap during the day in a long time, but I needed it.
3/22/20 - Home Gym - 10:30 am

Bodyweight: 161 lbs


Really wanted 405 today, but good call on bringing everything down a notch. 395 was a grinder.

325xMISS (butt came off the bench)

Again went down 10 pounds on everything. 325 came up nicely, but didn't focus on setup and butt came off the bench.

Wife gave me 1.5 hours to workout so I took it even though I wouldn't have time to deadlift. Took my time on squat, but had to rush bench. Multiple neighbors walked by and chatted for a bit so that took away a good 12-13 minutes away. Not happy about the results, but I'm content with the numbers given what was going on during the end of this prep. Not really a mock meet, but wanted to take 3 attempts on each. I now at least have a ball park of where my current strength is. Not sure if I'll deadlift tonight since my wife wants to hike again. Yesterday I was hiking up a super steep hill carrying a 30 pound child that didn't want to be carried. Not sure if that affected my numbers today, but it is what it is. So unless I get a surge of energy tonight plan to deadlift tomorrow night to finish things off. After that I plan to just lift randomly for the next 2 weeks while I think about what type of programming to do next.

I have no idea how long all the gyms will be shut down for, but my hospital gym is still available to use. Not sure it's smart to be touching the weights though. They only have enough plates to go up to 310 pounds, but I can ghetto rig it and just hang dumbbells with my husky hangall straps.
3/24/20 - Home Gym - 9pm

Bodyweight: 159 lbs

420xMISS (conventional)

LMAO....wasn't expecting much, but was at least expecting to hit this. Weight got up a few inches off the floor, but I just couldn't fight through it tonight. Decided to go for broke and try conventional and wasn't happening. Hit the same weight at home 2-3 times during prep. I wasn't expecting to pull as much as I could have at my work gym since that was a deadlift bar, but it's all good. I think I was way past my peak at this point among other reasons. I should have just told my wife to give me another 30 minutes and just pulled right after benching.

Pause Bench Press - pinky on rings
135x8, 185x5, 225x5x5

Just wanted to get some easy benching in. Triceps definitely fatigue much faster with a closer grip on rep work.