Logging my Lifts

So it's been nearly 5 months since my accident. I talked to my doc about this 2 months ago and he thinks I could have sleep apnea and it's not related to the accident so I have a sleep study coming up soon. It's possible I have sleep apnea, but it's also possible it has no relation to how I was feeling. Luckily I've felt better since then. Over the past month I've been feeling pretty good. Symptoms are very subtle even the day after working out. I'm pretty much just benching on average twice per week, usually at work. I may throw in some back, arms and light shoulder work here and there. I hit 255 for a fairly easy single last week. Pretty much the heaviest I've tried benching. My breathing technique has changed. Basically I inhale on the eccentric and exhale half way through the concentric and fully at the top. I'm definitely not bracing as hard as normal. It's possible I could go back to normal bracing, but I probably still have some fear of feeling like utter shit and regressing back to where I was months ago. I'm sure in time I'll have more confidence.

I still haven't squatted or deadlifted. Not necessarily out of fear, but I'm probably being a lazy fuck and using that as an excuse of having no time. Yeah I'm busy, but I could even get in some light and quick sessions in. Went on a 5+ mile hike yesterday with my wife and this past weekend we hiked all over Lassen Volcanic Park. My lower body feels a little beat up, but not too bad. Hoping to start squatting and deadlifting at least once per week. Even if it's super light it's better then nothing. Body weight is in the mid 150s. Not surprised as I usually lose weight/muscle when I stop working out. My biggest layoff back in college I dropped over 25 lbs after not lifting for a year due to a sternum injury.
Didn't realize it's almost a year since I last posted. Anyway just wanted to document that I comp benched 295 @ 9.5 for a single yesterday at my work gym for a post car accident PR. Finished with 255x4, 255x4, 240x4, 240x4 and some tricep pushdowns. Bodyweight in the low 150s. Just happy I've been able to tolerate some heavier benching and I think 315 should be right around the corner, but tbh I think I could hit it with a TNG.

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