Marlon Cheetho Vera

Lol can't wait for this cheating cunt to get yeeted back to the bottom 15. Maybe he can fight Davey Grant in a trilogy.
Is Cheetos gonna get mad and run away acting like he won when he’s announced as the loser? Lol
Corey's winning no question but he's fighting like a bitch for sure.

Why is it the guy who's being active and effective that's fighting like a bitch? The burden of taking risks and pressing action goes on Chito Vera who shit the bed perpetually.
cant believe one stupid judge gave the fight to Vera with his illegal upkicks

Finally decides to actually fight with 30 seconds to go.

All he had to do was take it to Cory and he waited and waited and waited.

Cheeto looked like he didn't care about fighting at all.
Vera is solid, he just had a bad game plan. Should have been throwing simultaneous counters instead of waiting for Cory to finish before returning fire. The only time he sits still and doesn’t avoid is when he’s attacking. Not sure why he have a point fighter so much respect. Disappointing.
He just doesn't throw anything! Awful preformance. He needs to wake up and get fucking going early if he wants a chance to win the belt. Also the route to beat him is clear now. He CANNOT fight moving backwards.
Mental failure from Vera...he played into Sandhagens game too much...

Tough to see from a coaching perspective as its up to the fighter that point to make the adjustments but man he's coach Parillo told him round after round...its time to work...but vera got caught watching
Never that good. Beat an old Frankie and Dom. Beat an override Font