Mass Effect Andromeda **(Out March 21st)**

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made up my mind ching chang chong will be coming back again as a ryder. Asian ryder twins going to fuck shit up
Girlfriend and her kids leave the state on monday! Ill have the entire house to myself and Mass Effect for a week!
I went through ME with default Shep which I never do in these type of games with character customization. I'm going to stick with default.
I didn't do customization in the trilogy either. I know people like it, but I think it's kind of weird for a game like this. Especially considering when John Sheppard's face is on everything, lol.
Was trying to avoid spoilers but broke down and watched someone stream the game on Twitch for the first 2 hours or so...

It looks amazing to me. It sucks so much that I need to go on a business trip on the 16th -17th so I won't get to play the early access till late late Friday night.
I spent the last nine days passing a kidney stone and ended up missing four days of work. Fucking timing. So much for faking sick next week when this drops.

I spent the last nine days passing a kidney stone and ended up missing four days of work. Fucking timing. So much for faking sick next week when this drops.


lol damn what horrible luck that is. I was so scared of the same happening to me because everyone at work and at my house got the flu. Thank god for working out and eating healthy cause I made it through all that without catching shit.
I still think the hype for this game is way to high, I can already see the witch hunt for reviewers that dont give this game perfect scores. I hope i'm wrong but I just get a bad feeling from watching game play, guess i'll see tomorrow.
I still think the hype for this game is way to high, I can already see the witch hunt for reviewers that dont give this game perfect scores. I hope i'm wrong but I just get a bad feeling from watching game play, guess i'll see tomorrow.

That sucks for you. When I watch these game play vids my hype only went higher. I can't wait to start playing. The only thing left to worry about (IMO) is the story which Bioware hasn't disappointed me since the first ME and Dragon Age. So chances are they'll succeed there as well.
That sucks for you. When I watch these game play vids my hype only went higher. I can't wait to start playing. The only thing left to worry about (IMO) is the story which Bioware hasn't disappointed me since the first ME and Dragon Age. So chances are they'll succeed there as well.

I thought DAI was pretty average some things are really good but just as much is bad. I love the mass effect series and didnt even think the ME3 ending was all bad. I guess the actual gameplay looks pretty fun but the voice acting sounds really poorly done and the cut scenes look poor as well.
I thought DAI was pretty average some things are really good but just as much is bad. I love the mass effect series and didnt even think the ME3 ending was all bad. I guess the actual gameplay looks pretty fun but the voice acting sounds really poorly done and the cut scenes look poor as well.

I thought DAI sucked...
I thought DAI sucked...

I bought it a few months after it came out and still fave not finished it, think I got around 60 hours played but fuck what a grind sometimes and all the quests are the same dumb shit. I really hope they dont do that with MEA.
I thought DAI was pretty average some things are really good but just as much is bad. I love the mass effect series and didnt even think the ME3 ending was all bad. I guess the actual gameplay looks pretty fun but the voice acting sounds really poorly done and the cut scenes look poor as well.

I think DAI messed up in two ways. They forced the grinding/side quest on you to much. I just noticed it this time around when I'm trying to rush through. There are to many moments where I have to stop following the story and run off and do some leveling off side quest. I don't like that cause Frankly almost all the side quest in that game are trash except for about maybe 5-10 quest. Which is the second bad thing shitty side quest. The main story though is great and I enjoyed it, the combat is also really really fun to me. Classes and leveling, gear, crafting all done really well.

Yea I enjoyed the ME3 ending but I never saw the ending of ME3 as the ending of the game I saw the whole ME3 game was the ending of the mass effect series so I was impressed.
I bought it a few months after it came out and still fave not finished it, think I got around 60 hours played but fuck what a grind sometimes and all the quests are the same dumb shit. I really hope they dont do that with MEA.

I just thought it was dumb that they made and RPG and you don't even have a dedicated heal ability. That's stupid beyond reproach.
I think DAI messed up in two ways. They forced the grinding/side quest on you to much. I just noticed it this time around when I'm trying to rush through. There are to many moments where I have to stop following the story and run off and do some leveling off side quest. I don't like that cause Frankly almost all the side quest in that game are trash except for about maybe 5-10 quest. Which is the second bad thing shitty side quest. The main story though is great and I enjoyed it, the combat is also really really fun to me. Classes and leveling, gear, crafting all done really well.

Yea I enjoyed the ME3 ending but I never saw the ending of ME3 as the ending of the game I saw the whole ME3 game was the ending of the mass effect series so I was impressed.

Pretty much agree on everything the ME journey more then made up for the "ending"
I just thought it was dumb that they made and RPG and you don't even have a dedicated heal ability. That's stupid beyond reproach.

Yeah especially when in origins it added a lot to the game play, then they just take it all out and add some stupid potion BS.
I just thought it was dumb that they made and RPG and you don't even have a dedicated heal ability. That's stupid beyond reproach.

I actually kind of like this. I've noticed that in games like this healing can sometimes just make it way to easy. Pillars of Eternity did something similar and it was harder just like in DAI it was harder. You had to focus on buffs and other skills like that to keep your team's health up. Had to keep the aggro on the tank etc so that your mages didn't run through all your potions right away.
I actually kind of like this. I've noticed that in games like this healing can sometimes just make it way to easy. Pillars of Eternity did something similar and it was harder just like in DAI it was harder. You had to focus on buffs and other skills like that to keep your team's health up. Had to keep the aggro on the tank etc so that your mages didn't run through all your potions right away.

I could see that as an interesting selling point, I guess I am just old school and always like to have a healer/white mage in my party. Felt like a step backwards for the series too, as DA always had healers.
I could see that as an interesting selling point, I guess I am just old school and always like to have a healer/white mage in my party. Felt like a step backwards for the series too, as DA always had healers.

I understand I'm old school as well I did nothing but play RPGs when I was a kid and I loved it. So it's weird to me to sometimes but I just roll with it. I think in Pillars is where I really found it done well cause they built the game around that sort of thing better and they did have some sort of healing it just wasn't that strong. I think that's the main thing is sometimes these games have healer's that are just so strong. In pillars that aren't that powerful but help a bit.
I could see that as an interesting selling point, I guess I am just old school and always like to have a healer/white mage in my party. Felt like a step backwards for the series too, as DA always had healers.

Thing that sucks about a healer is that they aren't good at anything else. They're just sitting around through all the regular battles until you run into a tough enemy.
Yea I enjoyed the ME3 ending but I never saw the ending of ME3 as the ending of the game I saw the whole ME3 game was the ending of the mass effect series so I was impressed.

It didn't bother you that your choices didn't matter in the end? What about the fact they don't tell you what happens to any of your companions?

To me the ending goes against everything the series stands for, even the third game up to right before the ending. You make all these decisions, they carry through each game and are treated like they matter. Until they don't.
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