Media McGregor spasms during Sports Illustrated interview

Member how a generation of people convinced themselves that an incomprehensible, unfunny criminal junkie who is mentally ill enough to model his entire look on another man was the most 'charismatic' sportsman alive?

I member.
Who did he model his look from
what is wrong with his eyes constant blinking lol
dudes funny asf
UPDATE: there's another interview where he's playing with puppies and seems sober....

he seems more awkward than leon here....stay away from drugs, kids

but honestly, hate to see him like this. he brought a lot of the younger generation to mma (myself included).
he was like mike tyson for zoomers so i really don't wanna see him follow that downward spiral that mike did, hopefully someone around helps him clean up.
This saddens me for real too
There's zero chance he fights again any time soon. I'm sorry to say this as I love his showmanship, but he's too much a financial risk.

Dana knows the truth about Conor's substance abuse issues. I guarantee it. Dana's probably got a library full of text messages along these lines:
  • "Hey Dana. Was hanging out with Conor last night here in Vegas. He was so fucked up we had to babysit him in his hotel room from 4 am to noon. He's in bad shape. Just thought you'd like to know"
  • "Dana....dude, you can't have Conor fight in the summer. He could get hurt..."
Here's a scenario:
  1. Let's say they sign Conor up for a fight, giving him every possible pass imaginable on the drug testing front, while also knowing he's got massive addiction issues.
  2. That means they ONLY test for metabolites related to PEDs, not cocaine or crystal meth.
  3. Conor gets in the octagon and takes a brutal right-hook that knocks him out.
  4. Conor starts convulsing in the middle of the octagon because his body is so weakened from self-abuse.
  5. Conor is rushed to the ER, or even worse, the morgue.
The UFC can be held liable for negligence, regardless of how many contracts have been signed by both parties. Contrary to what people think, contracts are NOT fool-proof protections against lawsuits. If during a discovery phase, Dana's text messages and emails show that he was fully aware of Conor's problems, and still pushed the fight forward, you can bet your ass that he and his company will be on the hook for financial damages.

This is what's holding up Conor's return. It's not out of any kindness for Conor; it's a simple business calculation. This is why the UFC hasn't made a formal announcement about his return/

If they throw him in there in this state, their legal exposure is gigantic.
fuck man. there must be no one that can get through to Conor. I'm geniunely scared for him to get in the octagon with chandler at this point
Living the good life guys also getting crumbs in your keyboards? Fucking annoying.
fuck man. there must be no one that can get through to Conor. I'm geniunely scared for him to get in the octagon with chandler at this point

Underlying mental illness (likely) coupled with an endless supply of money and ability to ascertain your drugs of choice.. there is no behavioral boundaries for him. He basically just can't murder someone and has to pay his taxes and his money will prevent him from real problems.

Irish genes don't help. lol
Mirko Crocop used to have a similar random involuntary shrug of the shoulder/s during interviews, which I believe he described as a nervous tic.
He's done. I hope one day we can get a real documentary on Conors life.

What is it that you want to see in that documentary? How more "real" can you possibly get than what we are already seeing? You have to be a serious sick SOB to enjoy watching that video and want to see more.

I hope not to see or hear about Conor for a very long time because that would mean he is still alive.