Social Media becoming more unhinged as Trump leads Biden in the polls

lol... By November, CNN and MSNBC will need straight jackets for their anchors.

lol... By November, CNN and MSNBC will need straight jackets for their anchors.

this is so weird. he came off as pretty lucid, level headed on Bill Maher, and now he's doing extreme hyperbole here.

this is so weird. he came off as pretty lucid, level headed on Bill Maher, and now he's doing extreme hyperbole here.


It's theater for the few remaining mentally ill CNN viewers who are left.

Anyone with a working brain abandoned them them years ago.
Biden now leading in multiple polls!

According to this thread, does the left wing media now become “less unhinged” or was this thread really just a thread to dump in the older polls and the “left wing media”?

This is a great sign for Biden who has two popular ex presidents who haven’t begun to campaign for him in earnest yet. Biden will have a much easier time uniting his base than Trump will have finding votes in the middle.

Biden now leading in multiple polls!

According to this thread, does the left wing media now become “less unhinged” or was this thread really just a thread to dump in the older polls and the “left wing media”?

This is a great sign for Biden who has two popular ex presidents who haven’t begun to campaign for him in earnest yet. Biden will have a much easier time uniting his base than Trump will have finding votes in the middle.

All of a sudden polls won't mean anything again.
Let's not be premature, polls inevitably will move between now and November. Since we are talking polls, let's not leave out that many Republicans (around 40-50%) have said in polls that they will not vote for Trump if he is found guilty of felony charges.

Let's look at the election evidence going to court.

Trump claims the election was stolen from him:
This went to hearings in 60 courts (many of which had Trump-appointed judges), and went 0 for 60. Pretty bad batting average. Then the supreme court (with 2 Trump appointees, a conservative super-majority, and a MAGA man named Clarance) refused to even hear the case. And you convinced yourself this bullshit is true? Stop following the shepherd.

Now, the other side claims Trump was the one trying to steal the election:
This results in indictments for dozens of felony charges. Numerous other people involved were indicted, and there are already some convictions (plea deals from those not willing to go down for the orange man).

In summary, if you are getting all excited about the polls that show Trump ahead, listen to this fine song:

lol, bring out Larry David on CNN who says he doesn’t go a day without thinking about Trump

Really brings this SNL clip into better light

LOL. Maybe if they have a couple well dressed people to nod in agreement, already have 8 on 6 separate screens, people might think you're not total shit bags.

Just look at their own headline, "This is about those people who are deciding instead of choosing American democracy, they're going to choose Donald Trump."

Hmm, why is that? Cause Joe biden is the worst president in history and the biggest threat to democracy, along with these shit bags. And they blame YOU, they blame the people for not believing their lies. And he literally brings up, "why are people at the country club not worried about this?". What a fucking asshole lol

They're right

Jan. 6 was just a small taste of the chaos Trump's presidency will bring in 2024 if he wins

That is why it is IMPERATIVE that we all vote for Biden next year
You absolute idiot 🤡🫵
Please name some of Bidens policies that you love….
LOL. Maybe if they have a couple well dressed people to nod in agreement, already have 8 on 6 separate screens, people might think you're not total shit bags.

Just look at their own headline, "This is about those people who are deciding instead of choosing American democracy, they're going to choose Donald Trump."

Hmm, why is that? Cause Joe biden is the worst president in history and the biggest threat to democracy, along with these shit bags. And they blame YOU, they blame the people for not believing their lies. And he literally brings up, "why are people at the country club not worried about this?". What a fucking asshole lol

"he is gonna assinate the chairman of the joint chiefs"!!!

lol these morons are going to give themselves an aneurism.