Mike Perry calls out actor

You don't know that the fuck you're talking about. When have you trained with Michael Jai White? How do you know his level of takedown defense? Have you grappled with him? You don't know shit. Bye.

I'm sure it's elite LMAO. FFS, the level of delusion with some people...

I shouldn't be surprised, yet somehow I still am.
If you haven’t seen this, be honest...somebody tells you Nam Phan is gonna fight some 50+ year old Vietnamese guy who only knows kung fu and isn’t even wearing gloves. Would you think it would be over in the first round? Nam isn’t a brainless brawler like Perry either. Nam is a smart fighter and this old guy lasted and gave him problems. The old guy can’t even put everything into his punches being gloveless and his kicks are straight garbage. @mkess101 I’m not calling you out, I appreciate the discussion. But this is why I feel the way I do about Perry vs MJW in a standup fight. When I first saw this video I assumed Nam was gonna push this guys shit in within a round. It didn’t work out that way though.

Timestamped to the Bruce buffer intro.

Timestamped difficulties. Action starts at 13mnutes 12 seconds.


I seen no difficulty... realize name phantom is 145 fighter... he just fucked up a guys who's atleast 190 200 with no trouble

Name has 0 power and he knocks the guy out.... I bet money that kungfu guy would woop mjw ass though...
He’s not just some scrub though. Would he beat Mike Perry? No. But he is a lifelong martial artist. Personally I put more stock in his Kyokushin karate than other karate styles. Joe Rogan was man crushing all over him on his show so I think he has some legit skills.

He would fuck Perry up dude. Lol at really thinking some bum cage fighter is really the best fighters walking around. Michael Jai White is an actor cause he makes exponentially more money doing that without having to risk his health.

Yeah okay...so he's more legit than other actors which is fine. But that's far different than being in an actual fight. I'm assuming he's talking shit because he knows he'll never have to actually square off against Perry so there's no risk in running his mouth.

white would school Perry. I’d put money on it, he’s a bad mofo
mike would probably fuck him up,the man is 52 and never had an mma fight,i dont care how many black belts you have,you will probably lose
He would fuck Perry up dude. Lol at really thinking some bum cage fighter is really the best fighters walking around. Michael Jai White is an actor cause he makes exponentially more money doing that without having to risk his health.

i would say that a "bum ass cage fighter" is indeed the best fighter in the world,and thats jon jones,that discussion kinda ended in 93..when guys like you though that black belts in karate,and kumbaya or some shit were better than actual fighting skills,who do you think is the best fighter in the world,some 93 year old kung fu master with the death touch?some bum ass actor who knows karate?
I'm sure it's elite LMAO. FFS, the level of delusion with some people...

I shouldn't be surprised, yet somehow I still am.
Just use logic man. The premise is White vs. Perry. White is a LHW Perry is WW. White has 7 black belts in karate and has trained jujutsu. It's not nothing.

It's not inconceivable to think he could at least be competitive with a WW that's far from elite with his 0-1 boxing record and 13-6 mma record.

Just look at what Lesnar did to Couture, all time great got knocked down and finished by a relative newcomer because of the size advantage.
i would say that a "bum ass cage fighter" is indeed the best fighter in the world,and thats jon jones,that discussion kinda ended in 93..when guys like you though that black belts in karate,and kumbaya or some shit were better than actual fighting skills,who do you think is the best fighter in the world,some 93 year old kung fu master with the death touch?some bum ass actor who knows karate?

Equating Jon Jones and Mike Perry


Jones is the GOAT, Perry is a bum

Jones would obviously most likely beat Jai, but Jai would fuck Perry up
Proven fighter? I guess getting knocked out is proving that you're a fighter. Perry has horrible defense. He's a brawler and will get beat by a decent striker 99% of the time. 13-6 and all of those losses have come in the UFC. He's 6-6 in the UFC. I love to watch Platinum bang, but I'm not delusional enough to think that a legit black belt that's been training since the age of 7 can't hang with a brawler that has a .500 record against real competition. Michael Jai White is also over 6 feet and over 200 pounds. I'd favor him in a street fight.
honestly man..have you ever trained any martial art?being a black belt means shit in many sports,i used to train taekwondo and there were guys who were black belts for over 20 years and in terms of fighting they would loose to younger and stronger guys,a black belt doesnt mean you are the most awesome fighter,it has a lot of value but in terms of street fighting a black belt in karate who is 52 against a trained in his prime mma fighter fighting at the highest level...michael jai white would be fucked,and if we were talking about an mma fight,it would be even worse
you re dumb,i didnt equate them,u said "do you really think a bum ass cage fighter is the best fighter in the world?"well jon jones is a bum ass cage fighter and he is the best fighter in the world
perry is a legit fighter,being 6-6 in the ufc with a bunch of kos against really tough competition?this impresses me more than an 52 year old actor who has some black belts and never done shit competing
My only response is:

Do you guys remember "Platinum Mike Perry"? They guy who photo shopped his face onto a pic of Conor lifting his championship belts in the air? Wasn't he suppose to be a two division world champion by now or at least a champion? This is what happens when you crown these guys before they've done anything. Look at him now, calling out fucking actors to fight..... My how the mighty have fallen....lol
Yeah okay...so he's more legit than other actors which is fine. But that's far different than being in an actual fight. I'm assuming he's talking shit because he knows he'll never have to actually square off against Perry so there's no risk in running his mouth.
Theres martial artists youve never heard of that are beacons of knowledge and wisdom who've never competed. Many of the elite minds In many sports or arts for that matter are behind the scenes.

This idea that you need to be actively competing to speak on these things is just purely nonsense

MJW knows more about martial arts and fighting on a deeper level than Perry ever will
This guy is way too athletic and fast for Mike and in a real fight he would kill him literally
You do know that MJW trains with mixed martial artists right? Is that the same as competing? No. But this notion that he’s a fake karate movie guy, that’s just not true. He’s a legit Kyokushin black belt. I don’t know how much you know about Kyokushin, I don’t know a whole lot, but it’s as full contact as Karate gets. It was also GSP’s core discipline.
He has trained with a lot of pro boxers as well

And he used to wrestle
I actually think MJW could beat mike perry. I know this is an an mma forum and we always back the mma fighter. But MJW is a legit martial artist.

Heres the difference between a martial artist and a fighter. Guys who train since they were young in traditional martial arts learn to be humble and have humility. Think of guys like machida, gsp, wonderboy etc. regardless of an actor doing “fake” moves or a martial artist who is “unproven” in a cage, those guys will still show respect and not take their time to project negative energy onto another person. Perry pickin fights with a movie star shows he’s a wannabe thug.

I hope perry shows up to MJW’s dojo and gets smoked, it’ll be the stuff of movie legend hahah
Holy shit is this actor joking? I think maybe I've heard of him? He's not actually delusional enough to think he wouldn't get beaten unconscious within seconds is he?
Well you’ve probably never trained in any martial arts. Just because someone chooses to use their martial arts to make movies instead of fighting doesnt mean they can’t fight. Stop thinking your mma heroes are the best at everything. BJ penn got knocked out, and i remember don frye getting dropped in a brawl. Not saying mma fighters arent some of the best fighters in the world, they sure are at the highest level. But lower tiered brawlers like mike perry are a dime a dozen. They can be touched and a guy like MJW is big as fuck and is fast as hell. He’s a legit martial artist. Dont know who would win, but i wouldnt assume brawling ass mike perry is some elite fighter. He just got blasted in 1 round by strikes, it can happen to anyone, especially a brawler.
He would fuck Perry up dude. Lol at really thinking some bum cage fighter is really the best fighters walking around. Michael Jai White is an actor cause he makes exponentially more money doing that without having to risk his health.

A lot of people don't realize how many amazing fighters are out there that just never decide to compete

Because they aren't actually in the gym themselves and only know of fighting through a screen. There are some fucking savages out theres, even guys with the potential to be the best in the world but they decide to do other things.

It's like that in every art too. A lot of the time, some of the most elite minds, you've never heard of or seen.