Social Moms canceled... Happy Birthing Person's Day

So if a woman adopts a child, they don't get to be celebrated on mothers day?
The Biden era is pretty boring I guess if this is the best righties can come up with for their outrage porn.


This dismissive post aged really well.

ACLU has to butcher RBG's quote to avoid saying the W word. Isn't it insane that the word "woman" has become offensive to so many progressives these days? Especially in the context of women's health?

ACLU has to butcher RBG's quote to avoid saying the W word. Isn't it insane that the word "woman" has become offensive to so many progressives these days? Especially in the context of women's health?

Yea lol... yay progressives..

"Bodies with vaginas", Jesus Christ. The word woman is too offensive to be used in a medical journal like the Lancet? Personally I find this to be one of the most insane aspects of the Current Year.

"Bodies with vaginas", Jesus Christ. The word woman is too offensive to be used in a medical journal like the Lancet? Personally I find this to be one of the most insane aspects of the Current Year.

I know NOBODY who thinks or talks like this....

Where the fuck is the this narrative coming from? Is an exclusively tied to academia?

And why?

These "Progressives" are pandering to a minute portion of population and are alienating a huge percentage of the rest. And they don't even see it...

Just popping back in.

Two genders. One of them can give birth. Biological women. Mothers.

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