i want to sign up @bigwaverider

#9 kind sir.

Sign me up, @bigwaverider Thanks for putting in the work, guys.

More big dawg in the house. #10


English is not my first language

What is? Drunkenslurinese?

It's good to have priority seating. Thanks for the extra effort notifying the past contestants first. @bigwaverider is a man of the people.

Yea bro, the guys that show up should be rewarded or however you want to call it.

Made me laugh dude

Coolio. :D

These threads are hard. I had to spend a considerable amount of time going over 3 years of contests. Then make a list in alphabetical order with @tags, then remaking that list horizontally and separated by commas so that I could send out a PM. Every time I send out a mass PM I get errors that users cant be found. So i gotta dig through mod tools to find out if they have been banned or just changed their names and then update the list as needed. While I am at it, I update the Sherdog Shoop News list if they changed their names or delete them if they are banned. And it takes me some time to just write the actual thread. I am not the best with words so I go over it and go over it and go over it and change it so many times. Then updating the rules, making sure the times and events are correct, etc. It takes a real long time. Plus I am generally discussing what I am doing with at least @Arqueto and @Myrddin Wild and have live PM's going with them at the time. And in addition just other things on the forum that need to be taken care of. Those guys (and you) with the PM's caught me at the exact wrong moment haha.
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**** If you want to sign up, post your intentions in this thread and tag @bigwaverider. Make it PERFECTLY CLEAR that you want to enter. Do not just post a .gif as your intent to sign-up. It will be ignored. Do not say "IN" or anything else that can be misinterpreted. "I want to sign up @bigwaverider" would be a good response. Check the bottom of the OP to make sure you are added to the "Contestant List"!! This is your responsibility to make sure. If you don't see your name in the contestant list and you see contestants being added after you have signed up, then @ tag or quote @bigwaverider in this thread. ****
I want to sign up @bigwaverider

Welcome to the show my friend. #13

I want to sign up @bigwaverider

Greatness awaits!

With words like that you can't let us down!! Expecting great things from you. Nothing but the best. No pressure though.


I want to sign up @bigwaverider

Love this format, honored to be among a-level submitters.
My body is ready.
View attachment 720233

Battle of the dogs!! @Arqueto he is calling you out!!
Well there were a bunch of coupons in the mailbox when i got back home today. Most exciting event of the day! First time I see a 50 McNuggets deal!

i know you’d be all over that!

Switching to Second Round Ottawaguy Paint AV.