My sons first words!


Brown Belt
Sep 22, 2021
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I’ve raised my son to be a ufc fan since day one and he’s finally uttered his first words. Those words were “Conor mcgregor”. I couldn’t be more proud of the little tyke and am really waiting to see what comes next but I’m really hope for a jon anik quote. I had a daughter back in the early days of tuf and her first words were “do you wanna be a fuckin fighter?”. Her favourite fighter is Andy wang. Have any of you guys had any similar experiences??? Btw I already bought my son his birthday present for his 2nd birthday- it’s a ufc hot dog brander.
Ah the ol' intentional simpleton thread. She's a thigh slapper I tells ya

Maybe this should be in Mayberry?
My son is also a Conor fan. Conor is a great role model and I hope my son grows up to be a man with class and good person like Conor, I would be very proud.
I hope my son turns out like McKenzie dern
Well my son was actually my daughter before we decided to give her hormones and let her decide her/his gender (who’s 5 btw) Our children deserve the choice of their gender/pronouns and we should respect it.
When my kids act up, I tell them to fear the consequences.
Be real. He said "I shit on bus" didn't he?
You're no Donnie, but that's a still a good troll job.
Well my son was actually my daughter before we decided to give her hormones and let her decide her/his gender (who’s 5 btw) Our children deserve the choice of their gender/pronouns and we should respect it.
Such a brave child. I totally agree with your decision sweetheart. My parents pulled a similar maneuver with me as a youngster. They wanted me to be a wolf man so they injected me with wolf blood. It partially worked as now I have wolf genitals and I burrough down and sleep in a den every night.