Nakamura - Sink Or Swim?

Charismatic Asian who is learning English on the fly will NEVER get over in America <{MindBrown}>
It depends entirely how poorly they use him. I'm not expecting him to be used well in the long term. He should be treated as an attraction similar to Brock rather that a guy who has meaningless matches against whoever the fuck.
I think he will fail simply because the language barrier will keep him out of the main event and WWE doesn't know what the fuck to do with their undercard.
I think he will be fine as long as he is treated right. Nak can tell a story.
He will go as far as the WWE allows him to. Remember what they did to Rey-Rey after he won the title or what they did with Wyatt.
I'll admit that I'm skeptical about the potential here. First saw him live at an RoH Final Battle and my cuz was hyping him hard. Not an amazing match. Most don't seem to be. He's a legit hand but its not what his marks seem to want to see. Pretty sure that guys getting six figures or more in T-shirt money don't like being shoot kicked 20 times a match so that people that boo them can cheer the guy doing it.

His natural charisma is undeniable and his entrance alone allows the crowd license to sing along and get themselves over (which is a big piece of the puzzle these days.) This alone will carry him for a while but he's 37 now. I'd like to know how much faith they have in him and we'll see how theyll show it.
Does he have a t-shirt and is it selling?
Full disclosure, I think Nak is an indy darling, flash in the pan, who will struggle on the main roster. He has zero promo skills, and a wrestling style that can merely keep up with the usual flippery-do bullshit his ilk provides on a daily basis. There is nothing special about the guy in terms of his in-ring ability.

I hear he has "charisma", but have yet to understand what "charisma" he possesses. Is it because he acts like a spastic child in the ring? Is it his leather outfits? Where does this supposed "charisma" lye?

Anyways, you know how I feel. What do you think of this overrated Japanese superstar?

He does zero fucking flippy shit. He beats people up in a pseudo MMA style.
I think he will fail simply because the language barrier will keep him out of the main event and WWE doesn't know what the fuck to do with their undercard.

He's not going to be able to memorize the bullshit script but that hasn't held back Roman either:)
Then again I also have three Cesaro shirts and one for my kid
I have faith in him being on Smackdown and as long he continues working against guys like Ziggler, AJ, maybe KO and definitely wouldn't mind seeing more matches against Zayn. Even Cena at this stage of his career would be fun and could maybe be the match/rivalry program that propels him to that title scene ala AJ last year. Just keep him and (b)Or(e)ton as far away from each other as possible.
WWE sure must be dumb to be paying so much for such an uncharismatic, unathletic performer. Too bad they couldn't find someone else to be the face of NXT the past year.

Tell me you are being sarcastic. Dude has more charisma in his pinky toe than half the roster combined. And thats all while english being his second language.
Tell me you are being sarcastic. Dude has more charisma in his pinky toe than half the roster combined. And thats all while english being his second language.


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